Sep 10, 2005 18:12
I was tired of being afraid. That I had decided matter of factly. I just didn't know what to do about it because every time I did try to do something about it I wound up playing psycho fun house with Faith. What used to be Faith and maybe this was karmic retribution for the hell I put her through in high school, who knows. Why would she fixate on me? Every time I ran into her she was filling me so full of drugs I didn't know up from down or right from wrong. The right from wrong thing disturbed me so much I cried, often and most of the day actually. I took to hiding from Fred when she was home, stayed quiet in my bedroom usually locked in the bathroom with a stake gripped tightly in my grasp sitting in the bath tub. I was completely and totally insane and I think that's exactly what Faith wants. That was it I was going to go see Angel and let him know. I'd help trap her and do whatever but she couldn't keep doing this to me. She was lonely I got that, wait no. I'm not supposed to sympathize with her I'm supposed to hate her and everything she is. She's so broken and lost and she did let me go the last time and I am pretty certain had I stayed she would have killed me.
I stood up from the bath tub and let the stake fall from my grasp. I had to do this. Had to go through with it because despite the pain I did feel for her? She couldn't ruin my life and that was exactly what she was doing. I was afraid to leave the house, afraid of the dark and afraid of waking up with her cold body next to mine. Never you mind that Angelus probably left her alone most of the time and she wandered alone and ... stop that. I shook my head and forced myself to dress to go out, to Angel's. I had to let him know what she'd done to me and would continue doing, he loves me he will help me. Sure it's been a long time and we haven't really talked and... Fred was avoiding me for some strange reason. Maybe this was all in my head? No it wasn't and the bruises on my body from my last little trip with Faith were evidence. Having to go to a locksmith and have him cut the metal from around my wrists? Yeah that was totally Faith and her freaked out ways of letting me know she loves me. Loves me. That's hysterical, girl is messed up big time.
I pulled up in front of Wolfram & Hart reciting what I planned on saying to Angel. Telling him exactly how psycho his girlfriend turned vampire really truly is. I'd even go so far as to show him the bite marks she'd placed on my body and let those other two do the other night. Oh yes I would. I nodded and put my purse over my shoulder and began to walk toward the entrance but stopped short as I saw Angel walk across the street toward me. Thank God! It was getting dark, what the hell was I thinking coming out this time of night?
"Angel!" I cried out with desperation in my voice that I couldn't stop if I wanted to. I moved toward him quickly and wrapped my arms around him tightly. "You've got to help me, please."
[evil to myself by playing Angelus acting like Angel *yes I am a masochist*]