1. What is your full name? Do you have a nickname?
Kiryuu Ichiru. Ichi - maybe. If he likes you enough to let you call him that.
2. How old are you? When is your birthday?
17. March 28, 1991 (chronologically speaking based of what year it is now and their birthday)
3. Where were you born? Where do you live now? Are you patriotic?
Japan, Honshu - Kyoto Prefecture. Space, Suite 33 - bouncing between rooms A and C.
4. Who are/were your parents? (Names, occupations, personalities, etc.)
Parents names are canonly unknown, but I can give you some if you’d like~
Vampire Hunters
Mother was kind and protective and obviously loved her children very much. She could see how much Ichiru loved Zero and never bothered to separate them when he was sick.
Father was also kind and protective but in a slightly stricter way, while he didn’t love his children any less. Both were very practical, but in the end they died protecting their children.
5. Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?
6. What is your occupation?
7. How tall are you? How much do you weigh?
5’11”, and about 157 pounds
8. What color is your hair? What color are your eyes?
Silver, while his eyes are a touch darker shade.
9. What is your race?
Human, Japanese
10. To which social class do you belong?
High Middle Class, the Kiryuu’s never suffered from the lack of money and they had giant houses which they often left for new ones. Mainly because of the family occupation.
Rare Hunter Lineage although Ichiru never truly walked the same path as the rest of his family.
11. Do you consider yourself to be attractive? Do others?
Ichiru is quite attractive by human standards, although usually when he looks in the mirror all he can see is the younger identical, worthless twin of his brother.
12. What is your style of dress?
Ichiru tends to stick to long coats with high collars, long sleeved shirts also with high collars and casual slacks. His coat is usually dark brown or black while his shirt can be pastel colors or white, his pants are black or gray depending on the color of his coat.
13. Do you have any scars? Tattoos? Birthmarks? Other unique physical features?
Nope, none of the above.
14. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
Bees and penicillin. When he was younger Ichiru had a weak immune system, and of course the Hunter curse.
15. Are you right- or left-handed?
Right-handed, but he is equally skilled with his left hand at many tasks.
16. What does your voice sound like?
Ichiru has a mid-ranged voice, although it’s very easy to slip into a deeper tone when angered or aroused.
17. What kind of vocabulary do you use?
Ichiru is well traveled and well read so usually his words are thought out.
18. List three quirks or other defining characteristics.
1. He takes action in his own hands if he feels others won’t do it for themselves. Even if it means his death.
2. Likes to cook and is good at it.
3. Learning and experiencing new things has been part of his plan for the last four years
19. How often do you bathe? Do you wear perfumes?
Every other day, no perfumes
20. What kind of facial expression do you commonly wear (dour glare, wry smile, etc)?
Solemn, thoughtful ones, usually others are fake.
21. Do you use body language? How?
Ichiru uses his hair to hide most of his expression, and for those who can see it usually he avoids physical contact with most people.
22. Do you have a commonly used saying?
23. What is your earliest memory?
24. How much schooling have you had? Did you enjoy it?
25. Where did you learn most of your knowledge and skill?
26. How would you describe your childhood in general?
27. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
28. When and with whom was your first kiss?
29. Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?
30. Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor? Does that affect you?
31. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?
32. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
33. What is your greatest regret?
34. What is the most embarrassing or shameful thing ever to happen to you?
35. Do you have any secrets? If so, what are they?
36. What is the most evil thing you have ever done?
37. When was the time you were the most frightened?
38. Have you ever traveled outside of your country? If so, to where?
39. What is your alignment?
40. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?
41. Do you believe in a god? If so, which one and why?
42. Do you believe in an afterlife?
43. What is your greatest fear?
44. What makes you angry? Sad? Happy? Why?
45. Do you think people are basically good or basically evil?
46. What are your views on politics? Religion? Sex?
47. What are your views on gambling, lying, theft, and killing?
48. How far will you go to defend your beliefs?
49. How much do you value money?
50. In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?
51. Do you believe in self-sacrifice for the greater good?
52. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?
53. Are you superstitious?
54. How much do you respect the beliefs and opinions of others?
55. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings?
56. Do you have any biases or prejudices?
Dealing With Others
57. Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
58. Who is the person you respect the most? Despise the most? Why?
59. Do you have a significant other? Who?
60. Do you have a lot of friends? Who is your best friend?
61. How do you relate to members of the same race? Class? Sex?
62. How do you relate to members of a different race? Class? Sex?
63. Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.
64. What do you look for in a potential lover?
65. How close are you to your family?
66. Do you want a marriage, family, and/or children?
67. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
68. Are you a listener or a talker?
69. How long does it usually take for you to trust others?
70. Do you hold grudges?
71. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
72. Do you like interacting with large groups of people?
73. How well do you express yourself?
74. How quickly do you judge others?
75. Do you care what others think of you?
76. Do you have any enemies? How or why are they your enemy?