Latenight cravings, jobs, and books

May 11, 2006 02:14

I'm bored. I got off of work today at midnight, like the night before. Then I'll stay up late and get up late and go into work. I don't like this. I don't do anything at night. I just look at forums, and web sites that I know for a fact update on MWF, but I still look at them for changes. What the fuck? Then I start looking into old crap that just isn't good, though it isn't a huge deal, it's not a smart idea. I look though my journal and the journals of a few others and I find bad things. Why is it that when I'm posting a journal I think about the bad things? So what if Jordon turned off my PS2 when it had 1 hour left of a 24 hour race? And so what if Bryce's doing of dishes is a sign of the apocalypse? Why can't I think of decently good things that happen and write them out? Maybe I'm not trying hard enough. I don't think I ever am, honestly, except the week before finals, that was awesome. On that note...

I have a theory. I think that I purposely put things off, aka procrastinate, not out of laziness, but because I want the challenge. I like the feeling of being pushed to the limit of all that I am to get something done, and finding out what I really can do. Sure, you could say that I could try and do BETTER work earlier, but that doesn't get through to my mind. I really like pressure that tests how well I can do something, and I like seeing what I can do in those situations. I think I'm nuts. Maybe this is a sign that I need to participate in some online gaming that creates those situations? MMO's don't have it, since there's no risk in losing, except time. I miss the tournaments we had in Wheel of Time, where we practiced and practiced the maps, got strats down, examined every fucking corner of the map for places to put the seal (flag), and when game day rolled around we were pumped. We had teamspeak up and there was yelling, cursing, and damn good playing. We fought desperately, because if we lost it would go on record and we could be bumped out of the tournament. AL (Army of Light) was bitchin, and though we never won a tournament, people knew who we were and that we were something to P|-|34R.

Ahh, anyway. So good things today. It seems I have a good opportunity to get one of three jobs, each paying pretty well ($12 an hour min on all 3). I'm looking to have an interview thing (not official interview, but something) on Monday. Ah, the power of knowing people who know people. And my father, who asked around. Danke Vater. :) The only trick is getting my story straight on how I'm staying in St. Charles for many, um, save up to continue college...yeah....

That seems mean, I lie to get a job. Last summer, oh god last summer, taught me that if I want a decent job, that lying may have to be done blatantly. Every job I went for was a, "No, we don't need you for three months." and I go away. Well, fuck those people. I'm going to find someone, somewhere, to screw over, and too fucking bad! The trick is to never give away to my coworkers that I'm leaving them sometime. I mean, that will be interesting to do for that whole time.

What else? At work I installed photoshop on my laptop. Great idea. I opened some Berserk color pictures and made bookmarks out of them. I'm going to have about 8 total made, 4 variations. It was such a pain getting them printed (damn computers and their resizing of a perfect document) that I decided to print a few extra. I'm going to have them put on black coverstock and laminated.

Oh, and some may wonder if there is an occasion to me doing this? Why yes, of course! I'm reading book 10. (SHOCKOMGWTFBBQ!) I'm on page 80ish, so not through the prologue yet. However, I'm finding the prologue pretty good, since I forget (after...hrm...3 or 4 years, maybe more) what happened in books 8 and 9, and where people are exactly. WHERE THE FUCK IS EVERYONE AND WHAT ARE THEY DOING? I don't know, but I'm finding out little by little. It's like I'm searching for a secret of my past, something that I have experienced but long forgotten.

What am I going to do about moving? If I don't move in upstairs now, when will I? That, indeed, is a good question. I think I will worry about it later, as I have plenty of time to think about it. And it would only take a weekend, a not so fun weekend.

I'm going to sleep, and I just realized I forgot to write about how I did on finals, but that'll be for some other time place thing I think.
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