Apr 24, 2006 23:25
Today, I've gone to class...but that's about it. It was a beautiful day really. Everything around me is good. All of my organs are bitchy though. Well, not really, but I've had a headache all day (I don't ever, EVER get headaches). And I feel really, really sore. And I feel just bad. I have no idea why. I don't feel sick...if I don't move.
That being said, I have a deluge of homework in these last two weeks. Feeling like this does not help. I have: a 5-6 page paper due Thursday. A 10 page 5 source paper due next Thursday. A three page paper due next Thursday. And I work...a bunchy. Rent is coming up, along with a nasty credit card payment. So no spending money for me...ever..for a bit.. Actually, looking at that homework list, it isn't really a lot. It's just that damn 10 page one. I mean, that fucking thing scares me. It shouldn't, as I've done others like it, but this professor is one of the most demanding I've ever had, especially with papers. What a captious bitch he is. What else? I asked my brother to look for a jaorb for me. Not expecting anything..I mean, I am giving him three weeks to get me a job for three months. And one that pays enough for me to choose it.
The thought has crossed my mind of resubscribing to wow, but hrm. HRM indeed. Ya know? It's tempting, and I could afford it I think.
Oh, on printing out all of Berserk. It doesn't look like I'll be able to do that this semester. However, I can wait until next semester. I don't want to pay for them, and I don't have to unless I do them all at once. These books are so nice when printed on 8.5x11 instead of 5x7 (I think). Sure it's copyrighted, but I'm doing the copying. :P Ok, I do feel kinda bad, since Berserk is the my favorite story/myth/anime/legend/epic ever, and this is not supporting it...but I'll come to terms with that AFTER I print them all out and behold them in their awesome glory.
I still don't have a properly working phone. I have many agents looking for me though. Shawn supposedly has a lead, yes yes. And my mom has many resources. *taps fingers together in a Monty Burns fashion* Exceellent.
I have a quiz tomorrow...ready? no.
I just found out, while typing this, that Steve was fired from Subway. For those that don't know (and that might be everyone), Steve was my hook up. I work Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and he closed those nights. Subway is right below my job (you could say that I rose up from the depths of hell to my current position in the mortal plane, but that's for another time). So I would go there and he'd let me back there to make sandwiches. Like...whatever. I averaged 1.5 foot-longs a night. And yes, I ate them all. How did he get fired. Well, "he yelled at the T.A. Brady's people last night, calling the girls bitches because they wouldn't let him play pool until 1 AM." Now, let me make it clear, while I enjoy sandwiches, I think Steve is an idiot and an asshole (not the good kind of asshole, more of a jerk asshole. Or not fun-to-be-around asshole). "When Shellie was firing him today he said it was her fault for letting him do all that bad stuff and not telling him about it" I'm quoting my informant. Now...my reaction? I'm laughing my ass off. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm going to go tell Shellie she's fucking awesome and give her a hi-five! Oh, Shellie isn't a manager or anything, she's the one that he was working with when he was fired (they said it to me oddly). That's so funny. Anyway, I have other connections. I just need to loosen their morality toward sandwich acquisition from corporate bastards that pay absolutely shit in a cockroach infested shithole of a restaurant. I ...don't think it'll take too much, don't ask me why.
Cockroach comes from the spanish word cucaracha. We changed the word to make it appear like other english words. Cock comes from rooster, and roach is a type of fish. Now who the fuck thought that flat, disgusting creatures resemble Roosterfishes? WTF?! Well, apparently it was John Smith (kinda, not exactly the same word, but it's fun to blame someone for the actions of society!) I'll kill that mother fucker the next time I see him.
No, no point. Oh, and if you thought some of the words or rants in this post odd...blame Boland, it's his fault. Why? Well well well, wouldn't you like to know? BITCHES?!