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Comments 14

heartsdesire456 August 11 2009, 20:25:28 UTC
man, its scary to look at Patrick then (what is that, a year ago? a year and a half that he was that... fluffy *not fat, cause he was still beautiful and huggable*) and then look at him now (that vid i just posted from last night was SO sad) and its like... scary how much weight he's lost...

Again, i SERIOUSLY hope its for himself and he's okay.


xboycottlovex August 11 2009, 20:47:14 UTC
omg patrick my bby ;_; clings* he needs to stop losing weight NOW.


tailzz0666 August 12 2009, 00:25:45 UTC
he does his chub is cute


mordentlore August 12 2009, 14:41:49 UTC
If I could be bothered, i would contradict your statement about the amount of gay the FBR bands get into. But I'm too ill XD
Nom nom slash.


tailzz0666 August 12 2009, 15:00:53 UTC
do you meen the not being alot thing?
yh thats there cause i was to tired to find anymore and then code it all (it was 4 am)

thanks for taking the time to look

get well soon


(The comment has been removed)

tailzz0666 August 12 2009, 23:22:36 UTC
yeh Janto is AWESOME *cries* how could they kill him


c8h7n3o2 August 12 2009, 20:10:52 UTC
can i ask where you got the pic where billie and tré act out the backdrop for 21CBD?? omg i'm dying here!


tailzz0666 August 12 2009, 23:24:10 UTC
um of comingclean and youtube


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