
Jul 25, 2009 16:21

Title: a life on the internet ( Read more... )

fanfiction, elliot minor, slash

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tailzz0666 August 10 2009, 14:39:13 UTC
lol danke

your pic no longer shows up btw


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tailzz0666 August 10 2009, 15:23:36 UTC
yh its the little x in a box thing means you need to re upload it usually


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tailzz0666 August 10 2009, 16:56:57 UTC
your icon is now 'very much alive' lol

doing work on picspam now *points a few posts up*

its been made slowly as i have a total of 36 windows open with pics in them for elliot minor alone


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tailzz0666 August 10 2009, 17:38:26 UTC
allready froze it had to turn the whole thing off
am now about to finish the pics and move on to vids (if i don't get distracted by a very adorable Ed/Ali pic)


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