Artist Profile: fecklesslyfine

Jan 20, 2009 00:32

Type of fanworks offered: Stories and artwork!
Fandoms offered: The Mighty Boosh RPS/FPS (including the Cluster/Robots in Disguise), Franz Ferdinand RPS/FPS, Lord of the Rings RPS/maybe FPS (though I'm super rusty), Good Omens, The Libertines, Flight of the Conchords, miscellaneous people/movies such as Patrick Wolf, Highway, Boondock Saints, etcetera. Maybe even Gundam Wing, if I can stomach it. Just ask and I'll see what I can do ya for.
Types of stories offered: M/M slash, gen, or het. Any rating. Angst or fluff, crack or srs business. I am all over AU, historical or not. Haven't written much kink but definitely wouldn't mind it, providing it's something I think I can reasonably write. No rape (dubcon ok), eating/mental disorders, weeing/bodily functions gone awry, bestiality (unless it's for humorous purposes, in which case, bring it on.)

Suggested donations:
Drabble (100 words exactly) - £5
Vignette (500+ words) - £10
Full story (1000+ words) - £15
Doodle - £5
Drawing (black/white) - £10
Drawing (color) - £15
Watercolor i'moldgregg - £20

I am currently AVAILABLE for story and artwork requests! For examples of the former, see my journal. For examples of the latter, go here and here.

artist profile, author: fecklesslyfine

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