Artist available

Jan 12, 2009 17:16

Type of fanworks offered: Stories.
Fandoms offered: Red Dwarf, Firefly, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, Dr. Who (Four and Nine, Leela and Romana II), Predator, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Isaac Asimov's Robot-stories, Isaac Asimov's Lucky Starr series, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Star Trek DS9 and ENT, Tomb Raider movies, Le Guin's Left Hand of Darkness and Roccanon's World, War of the Worlds TV series, Wagner's Ring, Die Fledermaus, 1776, Into The Woods, GI Joe, and probably others I'm forgetting. Ask away!
Types of stories offered: I do a decent job with angst; I like characters IC. I'll do just about anything; little squicks me, sex is good, and I like to play with plots and situations. I can do het, I can do slash, I can do bi.

Suggested donations:
Drabble (100 words exactly) - £5
Vignette (500+ words) - £10
Full story (1000+ words) - £15

I am currently available for story requests!

artist profile, author: roadstergal

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