Light and dark, good and evil, love and hate, its all connected.
Life is a monotone painting
dark and light glinting
though a twisted hart
life speeding like a shopping cart
love and hate spirling out of control
i walk the streets on a lone patrol
im scared i may hurt someone
becouse my darkside has won
i feel lke dieing, sliceing my wrist
or punching someone with an iron fist
to die and be so quite, not a sound to be heard
no need to follow the herd
i cry for my lost love
the lost love that hurt me and shot me down like a dove
to sit in the front desk at school
to be loughed at behind your back and told your a fool
yet to be silent and not say a word, to hold it all back inside
to scream, to yell, yet to be silant, inside, i died
the enternal battle between good and evil, light and dark
to fight the good fight but to die with a mark
a endless circle of lies and self-hate,to cling onto something
so desperately, to cling onto whats left of love, whats left of light
whats left of the stars shining in the night
i hide from love, i hide from light, scared darkness, scared of all
shoveing those feard emotions into a ball
this is my life i must live, to be hurt, to walk that lonely street,
and to fight the good fight against my personal demons, this is me.