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sunhawk March 23 2013, 04:13:47 UTC
This sounds like the Kirk/Spock fandom, where a few years ago after STXI came out, a bunch of K/S slashers tried to start a petition demanding Kirk and Spock romance be included in the next film, for gay rights etc!! The gay rights part was particularly crass, seeing as we know that the real motivation is straight girl fanservice as straight fans play a big part in most slash fandoms, so dressing up their self-serving demands as part of some sort of equal rights noble fight, it didn't seem to occur to any of them that it was an asshole move. Especially when they asked for their particular OTP and not, say, just have gay characters with romantic on-screen time or something like that, no it HAD to be Kirk and Spock or forget it.

People complaining about not getting Danny/Steve fanservice from this season are baffling to me, as I tend to find this season has just as many cute moments between Danny and Steve as any other, it's really their own fault if they get so wound up by the mere sight of Steve and Catherine canoodling that they miss or diminish these Steve and Danny interactions. It's not like Catherine gets more screen time and then Steve and Danny never ride in the Camerro or have carguments/car-deep-thoughts, or mock each other, or eat/drink together, I mean do we need to remind anyone about the Halloween episode? I just don't know what show they've been watching, honestly!

Sometimes I think that being involved in fanfic can sometimes spoil people: they get used to making fic requests or searching out fic that satisfies their particular kinks/likes and then they return to watching the actual show and get all upset that the show doesn't suddenly cater to them like that. People need to get a grip: the show is someone else's creation, someone else's baby, and if people tried to tell ME what I should be doing with MY art, I would feel no need to indulge them and if they were so rude about it I'd probably tell them to get bent. Just because you really like a show doesn't mean you own it. The show creators don't owe you anything. The actors don't owe you anything. The writers don't owe you squat.

Catherine is awesome and anyone who is getting on your case for liking her and saying it outloud, they can take their misogynistic petulance and stuff it somewhere dark and clammy. We aren't doing anything wrong for liking female characters, and if the mere mention of any female character is so bad, they should probably stop watching h50 because these fine ladies are here, get used to it. Watch something else. Start your own communities for just discussing what you hate and keep it there so the rest of us can get back to enjoying the show without worrying about what puddle of nastiness we will slip in next.

Hell nah, don't you leave the fandom, sweetheart! You rawk and you have every right to stay, we can band together and try to make a difference. I should try again to wade in to the episode discussions in the fic comms, I stopped doing it a while back because it was tiring saying almost the same thing word for word every week, back then it was about Lori but I can imagine Catherine gets the same crap blah.


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