Ahh to be young and petty...

Feb 26, 2007 01:32

About a week ago I kind of lost my mind. Not in some huge, self-destructive way, mind you. Just in a way that altered my perception. I finally got the swift, spiritual kick to the head I'd been waiting for. It's as if in one three-hour span I felt much, much older and focused. For the next few days, it was all I could think about. And now, it's all I'm doing.

I came to an interesting conclusion earlier in the evening when I was asked how school was going and I was forced to give an answer that I didn't like. The answer being that I'm passing my classes and not learning anything, and that I feel like I'm drifting along. And that "I want what I want, but it feels like I don't want it enough." That last one struck me hard and consumed me. I moved down here for a reason. It was to go to school and keep going as hard as I was in Valley. And that really wasn't happening here as I find myself taking a class over that I managed to fail last quarter, I'm having issues making it to class in the morning, and I spend way too much time just sitting on the laptop and not really doing anything of importance.

So I ended up making a long list of things that I'm not happy with. I Ended up separating it into "Things I Need To Do", "Things I Need To Change", and "Things That Need To Stop Now!". I've been sticking to them, for the most part though not as much for some as others. And most were geared toward school (make it to every class unless you woke up in a tub full of ice, missing your kidneys, for example. Also "spend at least 2 hours a week in the labs working on your material), but others were of a completely different vein (spend less time on the computer, be less petty and instead live well).

I'm happy with the results that I've had since this and expect much greater things, especially with next quarter looming and the combination of classes is expected to kick my ass til it bleeds.

And onto some much happier news: I'm heading back to Grand Forks in mid-March during my quarter break. Not sure how long but it will be at least a few days. I haven't been back since Christmas, though I've been in North Dakota at least 4 times since then. I need to reconnect with about a dozen people (rebuilding bridges and strengthening older friendships was also on the list somewhere near the top) and see Rosie (the cat) before it's too late. I remember picking out the cat around 16 years ago and she's not doing too hot anymore.

Damnit, I said happier news!!!

Umm... so there's a bar down here that, for St. Patrick's Day, has a special for 35 dollars. You pay them, then you run the gauntlet of their tap beers (17 of them). If you make it from Darkest to lightest or vice versa between 9 and 2, you get your money back. I fear for my liver as I could end up as bad or worse than "THE St. Patrick's Day" experience that I still deny being apart of. However, it's a holiday and must be done. Anyone (i'm looking in your direction, IPR students!) feeling like trying? Seventeen pints! This may require some cross-training... where's my special shoes?

So....how about this weather?
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