Jan 25, 2005 10:21
aaron and i went to see "house of flying daggers" this weekend, it was amazing. i'm not sure if i liked "hero" better or not, they feel very similar. "hero" is probably more beautiful visually, but, damn, i'm so obsessed with having a bamboo forest in my backyard now after seeing "flying daggers". i definitely cried more during "flying daggers", it's so romantic and sad. and zhang ziyi is fucking hot. so is her male costar, i can't remember what his name is, but he was really hot, too. there was one part where zhang is being undressed, and i kept chanting in my head "show her boobs, show her boobs, show her boobs", but it didn't work, you don't get to see them. but the funny thing is that aaron said he was doing the same exact thing during that part.
we also watched "the royal tenenbaums" before we went to the movies. i think i have to just say that that is my favorite movie ever. it gives me weird sad feelings the whole time, like a childlike longing to be a part of that world. which is where the sadness comes in, i guess, knowing that i can't be a tenenbaum since none of that actually exists. but it's like they created the perfect world for me and i can only look at it on my television. it's the same kind of feeling like when you were a kid and you were obsessed with some celebrity, and you knew you could never have them, no matter how perfect for each other you knew you were.
we went to ear x-tacy and bought "the life aquatic" soundtrack, which very disappointingly does not have the siur ros song. but aaron downloaded the soundtrack for me and it included that song, so i don't understand why it isn't on the real soundtrack. it's making me obsessed with sigur ros again/for the first time for real. by the way, as much as i love ear x-tacy, i really hate it. it is always so hot and perfumed in there, and for some reason i have this instant reaction to it that makes me have to pee/poop/have diarrhea/some combination of the three, and of course they don't have a bathroom, so i'm always miserable in there and i want to get out so badly.
on sunday, amanda herbst came over and hung out with us. it was nice and weird at the same time because she looked exactly the same and acted exactly the same, which kind of magnified to me just how much i've changed since high school. it's funny, i always think of myself as the one who stayed the same while everyone else changed and grew up and went away, but she kind of proved to me how different i am. aaron really liked her, too, he definitely wants to hang out with her again. that makes me happy, since your friends are definitely a reflection of yourself.
so paula had to close her shop, but it's for totally different reasons than we thought. so i have to go get my stuff, and see if there is anything i can do to help her out right now. poor thing.