you'd really think that my broadband would've resulted in more posts than this, but it clearly hasn't. guess i just don't have much to communicate to an unresponsive world. i have a paper diary again now, to help me birth stubborn thoughts, and otherwise i mostly just tell Val about random occurrences in my day, witty interludes i've contrived to experience, my hopes and fears and all the other stuff that people put on their blogs. woot. sometimes i write emails to other people, too. and sometimes i don't. here is news:
i forgot to pay my rent and the landlord had to remind me, which made him feel awkward.
i had the flu, and after it went away the skin on my nose peeled.
i'm starting to learn french again.
my hyacinths are growing very fast. i bet they bloom within a week!
i was going to have muesli for dinner but the milk has gone off, so i'm having rice'n'bits instead.
spent my new year with these delightful people. the man in the hat is JJ, a tall and frequently introspective dutchman whom we know and are very fond of from Leeds; the largely shorn but still colourful girl in the middle with the long scarf and the coat that i assure you is not genuine fur is Mimble; and we all already know the diminutive one on the end, disappointed here with her empty bottle. she's very special you know. and may kill kill kill me for not posting a picture for which she'd had adequate warning to beautifully smile (i'm pretty sure that that "to" is not part of an infinitive, so i'm pretty sure i'm not splitting one).
she's coming to live with me this summer, thus avoiding London rent and making both of us very happy into the bargain!