5th Petal | [Action - Backdated to Yesterday (Dec. 9)]

Dec 10, 2011 14:38

[After hearing the news about Rapunzel's departure, Beast hasn't been feeling much like going out or talking... again.  The whole situation makes him feel insecure about his relationships... who else will this happen to?  Mac?  It's a subject he doesn't want to think about, but after this it's almost staring him in the face.

So this is what's on his ( Read more... )

rawr rawr rawr, !simba, *action, !arianthe

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soulboundhunter December 10 2011, 20:56:08 UTC
[Ari had been enjoying the lights, really, even though she wasn't sure what they were for. She and Elder had been taking a tour of the houses, studying the decorations, and even smiling a little.

And then she heard the growl...and the yell.

She pauses for a moment, to place where the sound is coming from. It almost sounded like one of the beast walkers from her own world...

Curious, she follows the sound to its source, and then quietly watches for a moment while the Beast tries to remove the unremovable. Elder flops to the ground beside her, also watching this impressive, if futile, display.]

I do not think that will work, [She quietly says after a moment.] They seem to be sealed on, after all.


tailasoldastime December 10 2011, 21:01:04 UTC
[Freeze as Beast snaps his head in the direction of the voice... oh no. How long had she been there? Her clothes are definitely... interesting.

Now embarrassed, he gets down from the roof and grumbles.] I know. The Malnosso did it.


soulboundhunter December 10 2011, 21:08:43 UTC
[Ari nods her head, looking thoughtful as she studies the lights once again.]

At least they are pretty. Certainly better than what they could be doing to the village.

[She looks back to Beast, studying him for a moment before offering a bow.]

I am sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt; I thought that...maybe you were one of the beast walkers from my own world, so I came to see when I heard you. My name is Arianthe. This is Elder.

[She motions to the pony-sized cat laying beside her, who gives a great yawn and then rests his head on his paws.]


tailasoldastime December 10 2011, 22:03:23 UTC
[He jumps when he sees the giant cat next to her... how did he miss that before?] Uh... h-hello. I-I'm... Beast. [He looks back at the cat apparently named "Elder" and gives it an awkward wave at what he judges to be at a safe distance. He doesn't know what a "beast walker" is, so he'll just ignore the phrase for now - the first statement's more important.

He turns around to look at his house again... that is kind of pretty, isn't it.] ... S-sure... but wh-what are they for?


soulboundhunter December 10 2011, 22:14:17 UTC
[Arianthe shakes her head; she knows about as much as he does on this subject. Still...maybe...]

Is there some celebration, perhaps? Is this an important time of the year for people in the village? It could be why they decorated it this way. It does seem to be...some sort of kindness.


tailasoldastime December 10 2011, 22:20:50 UTC
Kindness? [The way he thinks about the Malnosso right now, that's a word that doesn't fit them. Ever. But...] ... I-I know in December... i-in my... world... th-there's... Christmas. [He says the last word more quietly... it's still embarrassing to talk about such a happy holiday.]


soulboundhunter December 10 2011, 23:22:22 UTC

[Now you have her attention, Beast.]

Is it a happy celebration? [Because your demeanor almost indicates it Isn't]


tailasoldastime December 10 2011, 23:33:44 UTC
It... [He shrinks a little more at what he's about to say.] Y-yes. It is.


soulboundhunter December 10 2011, 23:38:06 UTC
[And now Arianthe will frown. So...odd.]

But it doesn't seem to be happy for you.


tailasoldastime December 10 2011, 23:42:32 UTC
[...] ... I-it... w-wasn't before. It... i-is difficult t-to get used to... th-the idea of Christmas... b-being happy f-for me.


soulboundhunter December 10 2011, 23:48:52 UTC
[Arianthe takes this in quietly for a moment, thinking. She'll glance at the lights again, and then down to Elder, ruffling his head when he makes an odd growl that seems to be an attempt at a purring sound.]

Maybe...if this village is not so bad for you, this would be a good time to be able to get used to it. Everyone deserves some happiness, even when the world is not so kind.


tailasoldastime December 11 2011, 00:36:22 UTC
[He looks tentatively at Elder when he growls, but remains where he is, giving a small nod to what she says.] I... I-I was shown that a-at my last... Christmas.


soulboundhunter December 11 2011, 02:06:35 UTC
[Another smile and a nod from Arianthe. For Elder's part, after a flick of his ears, he yawns again and seems to start to drift off to sleep. No threat, here.]


tailasoldastime December 11 2011, 02:15:40 UTC
[Elder's gesture relaxes him a little.] I... I-I wouldn't know.


soulboundhunter December 11 2011, 02:36:37 UTC
You do not know many people here?


tailasoldastime December 11 2011, 02:42:01 UTC
... I know some... b-but I don't know if... i-if they celebrate... Christmas.


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