(no subject)

May 23, 2005 22:06

last cigarette: a few hours ago
last big car ride: last August to visit Carth from my dad's place
last kiss: This morning
last good long fulfilling cry: fulfilling? Sunday April 10th
last library book checked out: Anil's ghost
last beverage drank: coke
last food consumed: freezie
last crush: if you don't know, pls fall in a hole
last phone call: Lilac
last tv show watched: simpsons? no wait family guy... or south park
last time showered: yesterday afternoon
last shoes worn: black heels
last cd played: something belonging to someone else full of crap
last item bought: Darth Vader pin
last annoyance: Spilling hot tea water on my foot
last disappointment: waking up
last soda drank: coke
last ice cream eaten: mint chocolate chip
last time wanting to die: Sunday April 10th
last time scolded: yesterday
last shirt worn: red betty boop shirt
last website visited: hotmail