Log: Brothers and Sisters

Sep 21, 2011 21:23

Date: Evening, month 11, turn 26 of Interval 10
Summary: Lina has a couple assignments for E'gin to fulfill during his stint as weyrling wingleader.

Weyrling Training Cavern, High Reaches Weyr(#392RJLs)
All the furniture here has been pushed to one side of the room to allow a large pathway opposite: room enough to let weyrling dragons pass from the bowl's archway to the cavernous barracks at the back. None of the furniture matches, either: it varies from big cushioned, claw-footed chairs to those of plain wood, while the most seating is at the two stone tables ringed by low and equally hard stone benches. Without the tapestries that decorate many of the Weyr's other interior spaces, the room always echoes with noise, no matter how few are there.
What it does have, however, are several colorful murals: on one wall, a detailed diagram of a dragon's anatomy; opposite, next to a creaky wooden door, a number of painted and labeled wing formations. Near the entrance is a large-scale version of the Weyr's badge, while the back wall, by the barracks, features a detailed map of the continent. The latter area's also home to one big, beat-up couch, black or maybe blue -- the thing's so old and filthy it's hard to tell, though it's certainly comfortable.
Obvious exits:
Barracks Office Bowl

E'gin heads in from the weyrling barracks.
E'gin has arrived.

It's just after dinner when Aryeth reaches out to Vysravth, twining sinuously through his thoughts to add one of her own: << Lina will see you when you are done. >> She adds on an image of her rider, and the beat-up old couch in the training cavern. Lina is, sure enough, resting on that couch-- though Aryeth failed to add in all the records she's got scattered around the place and pair of weyrling-sized riding straps that have been tossed carelessly over the rest of her work area.
It isn't long after the message that E'gin strides from the weyrling barracks. Any tucking, buttoning, or straightening of clothes is finished before his long stride crosses the threashold out to the training cavern. There is no break in movement as he scans the caverns, spots the greenrider and turns to make his way towards her. Pulling to a stop he gives a small salute, "What can I do for you?" His lips curl up in a lopsided, nervous, grin.

"Hmm-- oh! E'gin!" Lina breaks out into a warm smile for the weyrling, and she gestures for him to join her on the couch-- though he'll have to step over the straps and rearrange more than a few of the papers to do so. "A couple of things, really. But first-- how are you finding the wingleadership? Anything I should know about? Or questions you might have? I know've been /very/ busy with your studies, so-- we /are/ here to help, the weyrlingmasters."

E'gin pauses for a moment, studying - the woman, the surrounding area, the obstacles in the way. Step over, step around, move carefully, step, the boy reaches the saftey of the couch without tripping or knocking anything over. He doesn't answer until he has nestled himself into the couch. "It's good..." He pauses, his eyes glancing over the woman's face again, "Busy would be an understatement, but I am sure no more or less than anyone else who has done it." Right? His lips curl to one side thoughtfully, "Everything seems okay right now, might be different when we are ..." He his pointer-finger is points up into the air.

"It /does/ make a difference, being in the air," Lina agrees readily. "Still, I'm glad to hear things are going well. We try not to load you down with more than you can handle, but-- it makes me feel better to check. Now--" Distracted, she digs through the records that are stacked just beside her, then pulls one out and hands it over towards E'gin. It's a roster of the weyrlings and their dragons, with quite a lot of room left in a margin for note-taking (though it is, at present, blank). "Have you had time to watch everyone fly? We need to put together the starting formations for the aerial drills, and I thought you might be interested." Though she's still got that easy smile, there's an underlying quality to her voice that implies this might be some sort of test.

"I can handle it." E'gin offers quietly, what 'it' is is left open ended, perhaps the boy thinks he can handle anything. "Who needs sleep right?" There is small dash of seriousness in his otherwise joking tone. An eyebrow is lifted slightly and a questioning look passes his face, "Um yah, well most of them. Some people have been going up while we have classes...I noticed some stuff, but I never thought it would be useful. I've only seen formations on paper, besides some wings doing drills."

Lina's gaze on E'gin is steady, though an eyebrow quirks in disbelief at his assertion about sleep. Nevertheless, "But you /have/ been studying them, right? So you're familiar with the basic vees and stacks?" The greenrider tilts her head, still smiling, towards the chart of formations up on the wall. "I didn't expect you to have watched them all with an eye to what you were looking at, in any respect." Another sheet of paper comes out, along with a charcoal stick, and Lina quickly sketches out a forwards vee with various sized dots. "Putting together a wing is all about knowing the capabilities of each of the dragons. You can't put a green where you need a bronze, and everything has to be in balance." She looks up, both eyebrows raising in exaggeration. "Right?"

"Yes, I have been studying them..." E'gin's assertion, while over eager, could be backed up by anyone in the barracks. Most of the other werylings would probably wish he studied less, so that they could sleep more. "Yah..." He pauses, "Okay, how do you know what you need where? Is it always stamina in front and speed, or nimbleness in back?" He pauses, scanning the greenrider's look for something more than what is in her question, finding nothing he smiles and nods, "Right."

"Well, it's a question of purpose, isn't it? You've been to the wingleader meetings, you've seen-- well. Some wings are weighted towards the lightweights, some to the heavyweights, and some are mixed. Your class /is/ oddly weighted towards the big ones, so that's something to consider..." As Lina ticks off each point, she makes a change to diagram she's sketching out to make more of the little dragon-dashes into larger dragon-dashes. "How do you think you'd build a wing, given the makeup we have? Where would you put your greens and your bronzes?" Lina hands over the sketch she's been making, her smile all guilelessness, in case E'gin would rather work with his hands.

E'gin takes sketch and studies it carefully for a few moments. He's quiet, his finger skimming the various dots that make up the vee. "Bronzes up front, greens at the back. Everyone else in between. The big ones can take the bulk out, while the small ones would be agile enough to catch thread that is spaced out." He pauses, "Except for Riodre...Sforzath is small," He pauses, "He could probably give smoe power to the back with and other brown or smaller bronze..." He trails off as if still deciding if this is right.

Lina looks on encouragingly, nodding for each of E'gin's points-- though she comment about Sforzath earns an out-and-out guffaw. "He's not so small as all that. Certainly as big as a large blue. But that's an interesting strateegy. What do you think the weakness of that formation might be?" She leans backwards, resting against the arm of the couch so she can more readily study E'gin-- she's definitely looking for something here, now.

"That's why I thought he would be good at balancing..." A curl of the lips as the E'gin notes his mistake. He hunches down over the chart, soft mumbles emited from the boy as he talks it out with himself. "Well, there isn't anyone really there to protect the bigger guys from thread that gets by or doesn't fall with the main fall. It might be harder for them to snag those pieces and would put them in danger." He pauses, his finger rests for a moment on the back of the formation, heavily laden with greens, "And these greens are going to tire out and there isn't anyone back there with enough stanima to cover while they switch out." The male frowns thoughtfully, before nodding and looking up. "That's why you said we needed to balance, huh?"

"That's right. It takes a lot of practice to get a feel for the balance-- especially when you have some greens who have more stamina than some blues, and so on. You can't always go strictly by color." Lina beams her approval, then taps a finger on the paper. "Go ahead and draft up a couple of ideas, and watch the practice flights over the next few days. See if you can get a feel for where everyone might fit in together. Find their strengths and weaknesses, and see if you can find a way to reinforce them. A dragon never flies alone." She places special emphasis on that last sentence, tapping her finger along with each word. "Do you understand, E'gin?"

It is E'gin who is beams now, what is left of any boyish looks on his face are exaggerate by his joy in passing the test. Nodding, he looks down at the paper, as if some solemnly answers may be found in it. He picks it up, gaze returning to the woman, "Reinforce strengths..." The instructions being repeated dutifully are cut short. Jaw sets tightly and the male pulls his eyebrows together, the manly look juxtaposed to his earlier boyish one. "I understand, I'm working on the others." Both sides, "I think once we start flying, doing drills, when we /have/ to work together, everyone else will have to deal with it. Even if they don't like it."

"I'm glad you are, E'gin. Go slowly. You're the wingleader for the month, so everyone should be looking to you for your example. I think you'll do well." Lina starts gathering the nearest papers together, piling them up into a somewhat sloppy stack by her feet. Her approval is palpable. "Working as a team-- it doesn't have to be a chore, though. It comes naturally to the dragons. That's the other assignment I'd like to give you; to come up with a way to knit you weyrlings together as tightly as your dragons. You're all brothers and sisters now, you know."

Getting the hint that he being excused, E'gin stands, out of the way of the paper gathering. The normal, haphazard grin spreads across face again. Though a slight eyebrow is raised at the idea of these particular dragons working together naturally. He mentions nothing. The brow rises higher at his second assignment, "You want me to bond us together...That seems a tougher assignment than the formations but I'm all in." He pauses, "If I think of something I'll make sure we have approval first." His own way of acknowleding the chain of authority. He pauses, "I, um, have to go clean something up. If you'll excuse me, greenrider." The male exists to clean up whatever disaster his dragon has left for him in the barracks.

"Have a good night, E'gin," Lina calls back. She sits back, intent upon watching the weyrling's retreating back, with a curious expression on her face.

lina, !awlm, elgin, !exiles

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