Log: Inspecting Amareth

Aug 17, 2011 21:45

Date: Post-hatching, Day 5, Month 6, Turn 26 of Interval 10
Summary: Lina brings in the dragonhealers to inspect Amareth's wing deformity not long after hatching. Everyone tries to stay up-beat, for the weyrlings' sake.

Weyrling Training Cavern, High Reaches Weyr(#392RJLs)
All the furniture here has been pushed to one side of the room to allow a large pathway opposite: room enough to let weyrling dragons pass from the bowl's archway to the cavernous barracks at the back. None of the furniture matches, either: it varies from big cushioned, claw-footed chairs to those of plain wood, while the most seating is at the two stone tables ringed by low and equally hard stone benches. Without the tapestries that decorate many of the Weyr's other interior spaces, the room always echoes with noise, no matter how few are there.
What it does have, however, are several colorful murals: on one wall, a detailed diagram of a dragon's anatomy; opposite, next to a creaky wooden door, a number of painted and labeled wing formations. Near the entrance is a large-scale version of the Weyr's badge, while the back wall, by the barracks, features a detailed map of the continent. The latter area's also home to one big, beat-up couch, black or maybe blue -- the thing's so old and filthy it's hard to tell, though it's certainly comfortable.
Obvious exits:
Barracks Office Bowl

Rhaelyn dropped Amareth.

Most of the baby dragons, bellies full of meat and exhausted from the ordeal have broken shell. Most of the baby dragons don't require immediate attention from the dragonhealers who have remained on standby... with one notable exception. A slender, auburn-haired man in his mid-thirties waits patiently just outside the entrance to the barracks for Lina to escort out the weyrling in question-- even if she has to half-carry both exile and baby green dragon. "... just a quick look, now, so W'lin can be sure that everything's okay, then we'll let you both get to sleep. Is that alright, Rhaelyn?"

There's the shrill complaint from Amareth as she's carried out of the weyrling barracks and the comfort of the warm couch she was just settling into. Her thoughts are more emotion and sensations rather than words--worry, interest, unhappiness. Fuzzy-headed and bleary-eyed, Rhaelyn does her best to keep the dragon's limbs and tail bundled as she carries the dragon--luckily she's lamb-sized at this early stage. It's a trick to do this and watch her footing too. "What's going on?" She looks at Lina for guidance after spotting W'lin there waiting for them.

"They just want to have a look at her," Lina soothes gently, keeping a hand on the young woman's back to guide her to the waiting dragonhealer. W'lin, likewise, has an easy beside manner; he smiles winningly at Rhaelyn, and beckons her over. "Congratulations on your green. What was her name, again?" As if he didn't know, but the bluerider -- for his knot is laced with a blue ribbon -- has nothing but gentleness in his light tenor voice. "We just want to have a look at her wing. Lina noticed something a little strange when she was on the sands, so we just want to be careful. Is that alright with you?"

"So soon?"Rhaelyn asks, watching Lina for any sign of deception. Amareth squirms lazily in the hold that squeezes tighter around her, trying to snake her thin neck to get a better look at W'lin as he beins to speak. The shrill whine builds in pitch if not volume. "She's Amareth. I'm ah...Rhaelyn." Yes, for a moment she's foggy about her own name, hopefully they won't notice that. The little green isn't put on the ground yet, "You're not going to take her are you? You can look....but she's mine. Fair and square." Instant defensiveness, her throat tightening so her words come out rough with unexpected emotion.

"The sooner, the better. If there's something we should know, it helps if we can get to it quickly." W'lin is assuring Rhaelyn, but his gaze is on Lina; the two lock eyes for a moment, then Lina nods and backs away a few steps to let the dragonhealer take control of the situation. "Nobody can take her away from you, Rhaelyn. Impression is forever." His smile is still warm, and he crouches down then gestures for Rhaelyn to set Amareth down between them. "Amareth-- that's a very nice name." The little green might feel an equally gentle presence as blue Taranith makes himself known, providing reassurance in the way only an older dragon can. "Can you keep a hand on her? It usually makes them feel better, when they're so young. I just want to have a look at her wings. Is that alright with you, Amareth?"

At first the dark haired girl doesn't say anything, doesn't do anything either, except that her eyes shift from Lina to W'lin a few times before settling on the dragonhealer. At last Rhae moves to kneel down and set the green down. The squirming builds as the ground comes up under the little green and there's much limb skittering before she finds herself on the dirt. The wing in question comes flopping out of Rhae's grip first and smacks the ground with a soft bark of shock from Amareth. "Sorry. Sorry!" Rhaelyn rubs her own elbow but keeps the other hand possesively on her lifemate's shoulders. The dragon's touch brings her attention that way, << I am fine. I don't need to be carried. I can walk very fine on my own. >> Maybe the other dragon will understand. Rhae nods her head at them wanting to see the wing, the little green stretching out the limb as well as she can maange.

<< Yes, of course you can. I imagine yours feels better having you close, though, >> Taranith confides, as if sharing a secret. "Easy, easy," W'lin urges. He can't help himself: when that wing flops out, his instinct is to grab gently at the spar, to ease it off the ground with a healer's hands. "Nice and slow, now." The bluerider glances up in an attempt to meet Rhaelyn's gaze, so he can smile reassuringly at her, then back to the wing. "Hmm." It's the sort of 'hmm' a doctor makes when looking at troubling test results... not a very reasurring sound, despite his obvious care.

Teeth catch at her lower lip and bite down as the pain washes over both sides of that weyrling pair. When it's passed, Rhaelyn murmurs, "That's a good girl. See, he noticed your pretty name too." Amareth doesn't respond, she's too busy /watching/ what the dragonhealer is doing to her wing. There's a little warning whine when the fingers press against a sensitive spot of the wing joint and yellow flashes in the whirling eyes. "What? What 'hhmmm'?" She may not be that familiar with the way wings should look, particularly baby-wings, but she /feels/ that sensitve spot, breath catching. "Is she ok?"

For a critical moment, W'lin is silent as he studies the joint. His touch is very gentle but insistent as he moves to flex it this way and that. Belatedly, "She seems healthy enough, but there's something odd about her joint." He seems reluctant to mention it, but as he examines the delicate pinion, what doubt there might have been fades. "I think-- it's nothing we can't work with, but this spar, here, you see?" He traces along the fused bones, finger hovering an inch above the sensitive skin. "Something's gone strange, here. She was from that egg, wasn't she?"

Looking to her weyrling, Amareth leans against her, neck snaking back so that she can rest her tiny head in the middle of Rhae's chest, keeping eye on on her and one eye on the dragonhealer as she keeps her wing stretched out and very still. "I...yes. I see." She does, looking at it but admits, "I don't understand though...." When it's asked about the egg, Rhae's teeth click together, color rising in her cheeks. "What egg are you talking about?" The oddly shaped tail flick-flicks against Rhae's leg as much to reasure the weyrling as herself, << What is he seeing? I don't see it. >> But the steady hands on her prevent the green from doing anything silly for now.

"The one that was-- ah--" W'lin finally seems to realize who he's talking to, even if he doesn't apparently realize who /Rhaelyn/ is. "The one that was damaged by those girls. We were afraid that something-- well." He seems to remember himself, and restores his easy smile. "It's not as bad as it could be, never fear. She still seems to have extension of most of the sail, and the skin /itself/ seems alright." He flexes it, ever so gently, sharp gaze fixed on the baby green for the first sign of pain. << Your wing has a strangeness to it. Trust mine. He will help. >> Taranith is not of the sort to spare the baby what she will soon see for herself: he sends an image of her outstretched wing, snatched straight from his rider's gaze. << We will help you. >>

Rhaelyn's color that was rising takes a dip and soon she's rather grey looking as his words sink in. "oh nooooo...." Eyes widening she stares at the wing as though that look alone could just fix it in a snap. "It...it was from that egg." She'd watched it and tried to run too...there's no running in her now though. Her chin goes out, "Well, right. Not /that/ bad right? It can be fixed? You're a healer right?" Catching the reasurance from the little green she nods, "Right, You can fix it." As in, right now. Rhae'll wait. Meanwhile Amareth is reviewing the image that is shown to her. Not one for dramatics, even fresh out of the shell and barely dry she sizes it up, << It is not like yours Taranith. Will he make it like yours now? Will it hurt? >>

"It's-- it's not that simple. You see, along here?" W'lin purposefully points out the fused spar, this time running his finger carefully along the dark green hide. "There should be two bones here, another further up-- but there's only one. She's missing her last finger joint. It's not-- not something I can fix. But it's something we can work with. I think she'll still be able to fly. We've records of thread-scarred dragons flying with far worse." It's not what Rhaelyn probably wants to hear, and the bluerider is a little anxious as he offers his opinion on the matter. "It's going to be a slow process while we teach her muscles how to work... let me see, can she hold it to her flank properly, without it getting in the way?"

Some might hear W'lin's words and take it as possitive, but those people are the glass is half full people! Rhae gasps "She might not fly? There's a chance that she might not fly?" The flare of emotion makes the young dragon blare out a shriek in echo of Rhaelyn's words, eyes whirling faster and more yellow than before. Thank goodnes for mature dragons and comforting dragonhealers right? It takes some time for Rhae to gather herself and her lifemate to try to do as instructed. Pulling the wing up and agaisnt her side is difficult. She can hold it for a moment but it soon slumps to the ground without the correct muscle support right now. At last she tosses it over her back so that it hooks on her hip, lifting her chin high in satisfaction. << When do we fly? We should try it out. >>

"Easy!" W'lin corrects, sharply, before Lina can push off from the wall to intervene. "There's a very, very strong chance that she'll fly just like the rest," he asserts, gaze raising to lock onto Rhaelyn's with all the force experience and optimism grant him. "But she'll need you to think positively. We'll probably want to rig something to hold her wing in the proper place, or she'll do damage to her tendons, holding it that way. U'sot," the master dragonhealer, "Will likely want to work with the crafters to see if we can rig something up." To Amareth, soothingly, << Aren't you much too tired to fly today? You have much growing to do, yet, before you will be ready. Just as your siblings. >>

The sharp correction makes Rhaelyn's eyes narrow but she's too weary to react to it, such an emotional day and this bit of news atop it all makes Rhaelyn whine, "It's not fair." She's still just a teenaged girl afterall. She gives the little green dragon a -look- that soon shifts back to the dragonhealer and Lina, "Positive thinking will help?" Skeptical about that, "Well...I will try." Her lifemate meanwhile keeps looking pleased with herself for her creative wing-placement, << I am not that tired. Maybe just a nap, and then we can try. We should experiment. >> Although in the dark shadows of her mind, the little glitters of green don't have enough direction to formulate any plans yet. << I should watch you fly. If I see how it's done. >> Her voice trails off as her jaws gape in a huge yawn.

"It helps more than you'd think." Lina can't leave well enough alone; she interjects, coming to stand protectively over Rhaelyn with a thoughtful look to the bluerider. "You'll have some hard days in front of you, but staying positive will help. Trust me." Aryeth and her scars should be at least passingly familiar to any exile who has taken the weyrlingmaster-run classes. "We'll do the best we can for you," W'lin assures as he gets to his feet. "For now, you should both get some rest. We'll talk later about what to do to help her get her strength, okay?" he goes silent, his gaze on Lina and a little unfocused, as presumably their dragons pass information. Then, << Soon, little one. Rest, for now. Be easy. >>

<< Don't want to rest now. >> Amareth says losing the fight on another yawn. Her mind is busy though, all sorts of questions mumbled in the corner of her mind, like a person thinking aloud to themself. "Is there anything we should do now? Will someone see us tomorrow? Should I make her not hold her wing like that?" Her arms loop around the little dragon and she ignores the whines of protest and hisses, the baby is even more tired than before so the struggles are really just for show. << Put me down. I can walk. Whhhaa! >>

"Just let her be how she's most comfortable, for now. There's no reason to get her stirred up, so young. Just focus on eating and oiling and all the things the rest of your class will be doing," W'lin asserts as he rises, dusting his hands carefully against his thights as he does so. "Your weyrlingmasters will be there to help you. I'm sure we'll talk again soon, Rhaelyn." As the dragonhealer withdraws, Lina moves to take control of the situation. "Come now, Rhaelyn, Amareth. Let's get you back to a nice couch, hm? I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted. Surely a nap is in order?"

Rhaelyn gives Lina a thankful look. Not that the look for W'lin wasn't thankful to, but /he/ was the one giving the bad news. "Alright. Um, sure." So much to take in, her head is just swimming. "I'm glad he didn't give me a whole list of things to do...I don't think I can remember /anything/ else." So, off she goes, letting Amareth watch the dragonhealer over her shoulder as they make for that perfection that is a warm couch to nap on!

rhaelyn, lina, npc_w'lin, !awlm, amareth, !exiles

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