Vignette: Lot of lost time to make up...

Jul 19, 2011 00:01

Date: Day 27, Month 3, Turn 26 of Interval 10
Summary: Taikrin caught up with Riorde.

It'd been so easy to pick up right where they'd left off, as if the intervening sevendays had never happened. All it took were a few cracks at the Weyrleader's reaction (disbelieving: "Can you believe him? Guys what're feeling threatened always overreact so bad!") and her punishment (snarky: "Like he was takin' my toys away or somethin'. Ain't got no respect for /people/.")

She smiled, she flirted, she was herself at her most charming. The cooler she played it, the smoother things seemed to go... so she played it /very/ cool indeed (offhandedly: "Hope it didn't cause you too much trouble, all that attention. Reckon you're used to people payin' attention to you, though, lookin' like you do.") She couldn't let anyone see how much it had bothered her: not the Weyrleader, not Riorde, and not her wingmates who'd been guffawing behind her back. And so she told herself that the whole thing didn't matter, told the girl across from her that it was fine and this sort of thing happened, told everyone else that they'd been making a big deal about nothing. And after they had a good laugh at how silly the entire thing had been (amused: "It was just the ocean. They think you were gonna steal it or somethin'?!"), she lifted an eyebrow and leaned in and murmured something utterly inappropriate. By the end of the night, they were back to where they'd started, more or less (huskily: "So we got a lot of lost time to be makin' up for...")


<< Was catching your green as good as you hoped? It felt pretty awesome. >>

"... yeah. I missed this."

<< You feel better. >>

"Yeah, I do. You're right."

<< Well, maybe you should keep chasing her, then. >>

"So long as she's letting me catch."

!glacier, ~riorde, !iovnejoths, !exiles

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