Log: In which kids get drunk!

Jul 09, 2011 16:03

Date: Afternoon, day 4, month 3, turn 26 of Interval 10
Summary: Taikrin's wingmates take her to a drinking contest between Nathalia and Elgin to raise her spirits. Instead, she narrowly avoids a run-in with Riorde and Rhaelyn! Poor kids, drinking themselves into oblivion.

NorCon MUSH - 7/9/2011

Snowasis, High Reaches Weyr(#555RJ)
The Snowasis is rarely quiet, and even then, the high-ceilinged former weyr is kept from echoing by the fantastical booths tucked into its convoluted perimeter. The secluded seating spaces have been shaped from the truncated stalagmites that escaped the smoothing of the main floor, and are both softened and separated by colorful hangings that are thick and opaque enough to make each corner its own private nook.
Some of the smaller stalactites still roam the ceiling, their jagged teeth tracing a bumpy, inverted spine to the hearth. There, a thick rug with a low klah table and comfortable armchairs and couches sit, their upholstery and cushions changed sporadically to match the season: bright, light colors in the summer, fresh greens and yellows in the spring, warm autumnals in fall, and clear, rich hues for winter. Small tables litter the rest of the cavern, enough to fit up to four people each, while stools stand along the smooth wooden bar behind which is the passthrough window to the kitchen. Glass-paneled cabinetry behind the bar provides a clear view of the available liquors, the many colors reflecting the soft light of glows tucked into strategic niches around the cavern.
Obvious exits:
Hallway Patio Ledge

Its early afternoon and unsurprisingly the Snowasis is a buzz with activity, though it seems to be a bit livelier than usual. Apparently, news about the little wager had spread overnight. The thrum of activity surprised Nathalia as she entered the room, she hadn't quite expected a crowd. She starts to ask the barkeep something but he points to a table that is set up with two seats and a row of five small tumblers in front of each wooden chair. She takes her seat and patiently waits for her opponent to arrive, studying the bottle of whisky that is just waiting to be poured.

Lirienne slips in, giving the Snowasis a rather uncertain look as she takes in the various booths and the like. Spotting Nathalia, she crosses over towards the setup, casing her gaze on the tumblers waiting to be filled. "Are you sure this is a good idea, Nathalia?"

It doesn't take long for the islander to show his face. Elgin strides in to the Snowasis, grinning, though there is a hestitation in his step as he sees those gathered. A few he's sure have wagers, he looks over at the female with him, he has to hide a wince as he sees her face. "You ready?" He asks her as the come up to the table. "Nathalia. You ready to lose?" He asks as his attention is turned to the smith apprentince.

Stolling in after Elgin, Rhae is making a big show of being confident and carefree as she escorts him into the room, not touching, but close enough to be. Her voice is low, "Just what am I to be judging anyway? When you fall out of your chair it will be indication enough that you're shit-drunk." Her voice sounds funny, perhaps something with her lip. When he winces at her she lifts her chin, proud as ever and trails after him, flashing a cocky smile at the others as though nothing at all is wrong with her.

There, tucked into a booth with the curtain half-closed, sits a trio of Glacier riders: a man in his mid-twenties, an older woman, and Taikrin. The brownrider's face is red with windburn, and she has dark circles of exhaustion under her eyes. Most startling of all, perhaps, is the fact that she looks stone-cold sober, and that the glass in her hands appears to have little more than water. The other two riders are talking softly while Taikrin stares out, glumly, at the table set up for the contest.

When Riorde comes in, it's from the opposite entrance than the one Elgin and Rhaelyn take. With book in hand, she's all sulky as she maintains her distance from the others, preferring to stay on her lonesome in one of the booths rather than crowded round the table set up with liquor and tumblers. Sliding into her seat, Riordehe puts each of her elbows on the table and falls into a slouch towards the fists that are balled up under her chin. Her hair's loose and untidy, but it doesn't hide the dark discoloration of a bruise on one of her cheekbones -- or her glower, directed at Rhaelyn.

Nathalia greets the Lirienne warmly and shakes her head at the question. "Do dragons fly? Trust me on this, I may not look it, but I've got a higher tolerance for the stuff than most." Her attention is drawn over to Elgin as he enters a wicked smile curving over her lips. "Just sit down already, I haven't lost yet, and I don't intend on loosing now. I really hate cleaning hearths and ashes you know." Her eyes flick to the girl following him in, his judge most likely, she hadn't been able to find one herself but it wouldn't matter much. She recognizes her as the girl from the clutching party and allows a heavy sigh to escape. The other occupants of the bar garner her attention as well, but for the moment she needs to focus. "You can pour if you prefer, same bottle so you know I am not cheating you."

It takes a moment for Taikrin to recognize Rhaelyn; after all, she wasn't terribly sober that night. Her expression turns thoughtful as she stares at the exile girl, lingering especially on the damage done to her face. She leans over to murmur something to her companions, gesturing at the pair of exiles at the contest table as she does so; clearly, she hasn't yet spotted Riorde.

One wicked smile is returned for another, Elgin's is half friendly and half, verging on, evil. "Oh, I don't intend to lose either. A bet may be the only way a boy can get a proper kiss out of you." He pulls the chair underneath him and settles himself at the table. "Let the judges pour, you for me, mine for yours..." He looks around with a smirk, he noticed the girl hadn't brought one but makes a show of it. "Oh, nevermind then. Rhaelyn can pour for us both...If she will." A gesture of asking to the other islander. "And, before we begin, what counts as the loss, falling out of the stool...expelling...what was already consumed or just flat out passing out?"

Lirienne shakes her head, as the two seem determined to follow through on this. Finding a booth to lean against, the coppertop settles in to watch - and to comment softly, "You're going to get awfully sick," to the duo.

Rhaelyn settles in behind Elgin and gives Nathalia a haughty smile, "Well, hello there." Still looking at the other woman she asks her fellow exile, "Are you -sure- she's worth the kiss just to drink the crazy-sauce?" She has pride in spades and so the mess of her face doesn't seem to be any concern to her. When Elgin assigns her for pouring duty, a sharp finger jabs his side, "Don't press your luck." But, she does pick up the bottle, waiting to hear just how far their drinking is going to go. "I think passing out. Although, if either of you sick up on me...." The threat lingers there as she looks around to see who else is in the room. Oh! Riorde. She smiles so sweetly in that direction, a sugary sweet, evil smile.

Nor has Riorde seen Taikrin. For the moment, the focus of her regard rests on Rhaelyn: a heavy, black look that isn't improved by her smile. For smile she does when Rhaelyn pitches one at her, a contemptuous mockery of a smile for her counterpart.

Nat thought about that a minute. "You are probably quite right about that." Or anybody to get a kiss out of her for that matter, but she does not voice the last bit. She glances up at Liri who's concern makes her smile sweetly. "I will only get sick If I misjudged him and don't drink enough water afterwards." If she did end up sick she knew she'd owe the healer one hell of an apology. Nathalia could already tell she wasn't going to like Rhaelyn, there was something about the smile she had thrown at the other woman that just didn't settle well. The insult however does not go without a reply. "Whether or not I am worth it, I doubt anyone here will be wishing to kiss you for quite a while, given the way you chase riders." She smiled equally sweet, but hers was a smile filled with poison.

It takes little prompting for Taikrin to follow Rhaelyn's gaze, out of idle curiosity if nothing else. And if she was not particularly concerned about the girl's black eyes, she is proportionally /very/ upset about the obvious damage to Riorde's. She manages to get half out of the booth, bellowing, "What--!" before her companions bodily pull her back down and shush her with muttered imprecations. Clearly heard from the groaning male, "I /knew/ this was a bad idea."

A manifestly unhappy look starts to settle on Liri's expression, as her gaze flits from person to person, the signs of damage being done. Turning towards Nat and Elgin to protest, her mouth clicks shut before the words escape. Slouching against the booth, at this point the apprentice just crosses her arms to watch. "Don't want either of you to get sick, honestly."

"Oh well, I'm not sure, Rhaelyn. I mean she very well could be. The only way to really find out if someone is worth a kiss, is to test it out." Elgin looks back at Rhaelyn with a chuckle, "And since I'm sure /we/ won't be trying it I'd like to see if Nathalia fits the bill." He can't hold back a slightly tickled smile as he's poked but his attention is drawn to Royre, to Rhaelyn, to Taikrin as she shouts across the room, and then he lets his eyes move between them all again. Something clicks in his mind and suddenly he's a little overly cheery. "Well, well ladies...I suppose we should get this underway. Yes?"

Rhaelyn can't hear Nathalia's thoughts, but she eyes the girl coldly and when the other finally does put voice to the words, she just barks out a dry laugh, "I am not the one selling out my kisses over a game." Rhae reminds her, followed by a sad 'tsktsking'. "So, if you fall out of your chair, you have a chance to scramble up and try another round?" She's pouring the liquid into the glasses not, the shout from the rider's area missed or else just ignored while she gets to the business of glass-filling. When the line is set up, she draws back, "Alright, drink."

Riorde catches enough of Nathalia's remark to Rhaelyn to look momentarily satisfied, vindicated. That flicker of pleasure dies quite suddenly as the shout from beyond Rhaelyn draws her attention, eyes growing wide with the surprise of seeing Taikrin as she's wrestled back into her seat. Rather obviously staring, Riorde pays next to no mind to the start of the contest, except to give the slightest tilt of her chin to indicate Rhaelyn, then the small gesture of her right fist knocking the other beneath her chin, the miming of a punch.

Nat's eyes flitted over to the brownrider who had stood and then was yanked down by her companions. She recognized the face, and felt an immediate pity that she hadn't had the chance to ask the woman to act as judge on her side. Then again Nathalia hadn't wanted a fight either, just a competition between friends. She gives an appreciative glance at Liri's words, but the smile on her lips is one of a woman quite used to fending for herself. "Promise I will do my best not to." She suppresses a chuckle at the boy's still bouncy attitude, at least there is someone in the room who's not on edge about the situation. Rhaelyn just gets a smile. "No all it takes for you is a drink, and a few complements." The words are quiet, and before anything else is said, Nat down's the first tumbler with ease, turning it upside-down with a grin on her face. "Yes as long as you can get it down your still in the game. " She smiles at Elgin, almost wickedly. "Can you keep up Islander? Don't go too hard on yourself, you will be scrubbing flagstones tomorrow morning." Her words are friendly and playful, she is actually enjoying herself for a change. She offers a grin to the onlookers.

Elgin lifts the glass to his mouth and throws his head back, the shot is taken with ease, "The easiest way to lose in war or love is to underestimate your opponent, smith." The words are said with a light tone, everyone else in the room may be tense, but he too is for once having a good time. "I hope your lips aren't chapped and that you've been practicing because you have may have met your match in drinking and kissing...But don't worry I'll wait till you wake up before I kiss you. I want you to remember it." Everyone else is ignored for now. "That's smoothe, what did you pour us Rhaeyln?"

Taikrin looks ready to do murder, though at least it'll be quiet murder-- despite the initial outburst, she seems reluctant to draw attention to herself. Her gaze remains locked on Riorde though, and a grim little smile forms when the meaning of the exile's gesturings becomes clear. Her head jerks, sharply, in a nod of approval, before her gaze is broken by her companion's urgent grab of her arm. There's a muted argument, with the greenrider gesturing towards the door while Taikrin shakes her head with dogged determination.

Insults from Nathalia don't charge Rhae up. There is a moment though that it looks like she might give the girl a face full of liquor right from the bottle. Somehow the bruise-faced exile holds steady and just smirks back at her. "Shut up and drink." When asked what she's pouring she makes a show of eyeing the label, "Like you'd know what's 'smooth' and not....I think this is Rot-Gut number 9." Sneaking a look over at Lirienne and smirks at the other judge. Another round is poured out, not allowing the contestants time for their booze to settle.

A faint, self-satisfied smile settles into place following Taikrin's nod. Riorde doesn't make a move to do anything besides communicate across the room in gaze and gesture, watching the apparent disagreement at the Glacier table intently, leaning forward an inch more. As for the drinking - she follows it absently, with the odd glance now and again, but it's clear her attention's elsewhere.

Lirienne, the unknowing judge! That said, while she keeps an eye on said contestants, she makes her way over towards Rhaelyn. "Uhm, that's not gonna do much more than make them pass out or sick up, right?" Despite being older, clearly Rhae's the more experienced.

It's not a disagreement that Taikrin is going to win, apparently. Within a few minutes, Taikrin is looking down and away like a sulky child... and then sliding out of the bench with the bluerider's hand wrapped firmly around her upper arm. She glares briefly at her friend, glances over to offer a sardonic smile to Riorde, and then is summarily frog-marched out of the bar. Whoops. Once she's gone, her remaining companion - the older greenrider - continues to stare curiously at Riorde.

Nathalia picks up a glass and almost sprays what she's drinking across the table as Elgin speaks. She gets it down and a choking laugh erupts, she can't decide if she's happy he's taking it so seriously or not, but he's at least keeping it entertaining. "No point in practicing for things that never happen." She grins. He's persistent she will give him that. She glances at Taikrin a moment before the little tunnel snake decides to fill another glass. "I am perfectly capable of drinking and conversing thank you for your concern." She smiles pleasantly but there is a cold look when Rhae looks over at Liri. Still, she picks up another glass and downs it more quickly, watching as the brownrider leaves. "Nah, so long as there's plenty of water involved after things should be fine, he'll puke before there's any /real/ danger." She explained.

Briefly, Riorde looks disappointed. Her gaze tracks the brownrider out before she glances at the remaining Glacier rider and with the lift of her eyebrows communicates some sort of 'what are you looking at?' question. Since Taikrin's not there to stare at anymore, Riorde takes reluctant interest in the contest. "How long is this gonna take?" Her mutter doesn't have a clear target.

Elgin is only trying to keep the peace, "Maybe not." He agrees with Rhaelyn, "Just trying to keep up the small talk." But his full attention is back on Nathalia, "What you don't understand..." He breaks in the middle of his sentence to shoot down the next drink. His head curls to the side and then unfurls with a, "Ahhh." The kind that of sound that exclaims both pain and pleasure, "is that you are really underestimating the competition. That has been the down fall of many a person, and from I've read of flights, the downfall of many a dragon too." Little attention is given to the leaving riders, Elgin as usual, is determined to keep it civil. Rhaelyn is given another grin, "Don't be so jealous that it isn't you that I wagered the kiss on." He tone is joking. "Of course, if it was us we'd probably kill each other before the end of the contest."

It's amusing really, that an older person asks the unschooled exile. Rhae is about to answer Lirienne when Nathalia blurts out and her eyes roll, "Why bother asking me? Your buddy there knows it all." h remarks in high spirits. However, she does add, "I think that it makes people crazy, but will these two really miss their minds? It could be a mercy for them perhaps." More rot-gut fills another round of glasses. While she's waiting for them to pick up the glasses again, her gaze drifts over to the departing rider and then back to Riorde, snickering quietly at the exile's sorrow. "You don't have to stay. You could follow her...Oh. No you can't." giggle giggle. For Elgin's remark of her jealousy? She smacks the back of his head with the flat of her hand.

The greenrider arches an eyebrow at Riorde in return, a hint of an amused smile playing on her face. She gestures eloquently for Riorde to turn back to the contest, whether the exile actually sees the gesture or not, then shifts enough to include Rhaelyn in her measuring stare.

Either following the greenrider's suggestion or under her own steam, Riorde turns her head enough to give the appearance of following the competition. Rather than respond hotly to Rhaelyn, Ri considers the other girl for a long moment -- or, more specifically, her nose. "Watch your back if I was you, tomorrow when they have us cleaning up carcasses from the feeding pens or whatever else it is," she says conversationally.

Well, when it comes to booze, it's best to ask the expert. In this case, the person pouring the drinks. "Yes, but she's already had, well, two drinks?" she points out, a bit of a red tide rushing in. There's a pause "... I've never heard drink makes people loose their mind. Sense, yes, but mind?"

Lirienne would be the one going to the expert.

Apparently the hall wasn't the only place to find haughty swine, save that here it seemed to center more around sows than boars. Nathalia has an appreciation for Elgin attempting to keep the peace but it's hard for the smith to feign kindness to one clearly undeserving of it. Three drinks in and she is starting to feel a slight warmth in her belly. As for the comment on minds Nat can't help but mutter about the value of at least /having/ an education. Whether or not anyone hears she glares at the girl who's intent on goading someone else. For the first time Nathalia really appraises Riorde, and offers a smile before Elgin speaks again, causing her to laugh. "Really now, who is underestimating whom?" She studies the boy again, and can't help but smiling. "I am certainly going to enjoy having my own assistant."

Elgin is also starting to feel a little more content with three drinks now settling in his stomach. He over hears part of the smiths mutter but lets it go besides a knowing lift of his eyebrow, there are lines to his easy-going way. The comment about minds receives a grin, he turns to appraise the two ladies behind him, "I may lose some of my inhabitions but I doubt that I would lose my mind..." He taps his head with his pointer-finger, as he turns back to Nathalia, still tapping. "I have never underestimated you! I find you to be a most worthy advisary...Except that you don't seem to understand that it is I who will be winning this litter wager. That is really your only fault."

With a pulped face like Rhae's wearing, being stared out is getting to be the usual. A lazy hand combs through her hair as she turns a shoulder to the greenrider staring her down. It's a curious look that she returns to Ri at her threat, eyebrow arching, "I'm terrified." And smiling. "I'm afraid I don't know one way or another. Senses, Mind. It makes people crazy, isn't that damange of the mind?" Rhae asks Lirienne while the two drink. Then it's more amber liquid splashing into the glasses for the next round.

Riorde just smiles back at Rhaelyn, at first tight and thin and then expanding into a toothier grin. "See you tomorrow." It sounds more like a threat than a goodbye as she slides out of her booth and heads for the exit.

Lirienne huhs quietly, then steps away from Rhaelyn, shaking her head a bit. Then sighing at the boasting, before she looks back at the offical judge. "Well, in that case, perhaps the drinks should come faster, if they have time to fli..ng comments at each other?" Any low-tide that had occured is reversed, as red sweeps up again at her own words.

"Slower's harder, you know," the greenrider calls towards the table; apparently she caught at least a part or Lirienne's comment. "Make them wait ten minutes between drinks, and then you'll see them fall all over each other. Much more entertaining." Her gaze cuts distractedly over to follow Riorde's exit, but she doesn't appear to care one way or another. "Didn't anyone tell you children how to do this?"

Nathalia appraised the row of glasses carefully, up to this point she'd been pacing herself, she calculated her opponent very carefully, before speaking. "I haven't met a male yet who could best me, and the Smith Hall was flooded with them." Well that wasn't entirely accurate. Her father was probably about the only person she couldn't out drink. She raises a thick eyebrow at Liri's pause in words, and was fairly sure that fling wasn't the word she had originally intended. That seemed to settle it, Nat went down the row of tumblers moving on once each, as if daring Rhae to keep up with the pouring. Her throat burned and the warmth in her stomach intensified a little. "too much talk, no action." She grinned impishly. She frowned at the rider, now knowing her plan had been outed.

"That may be true, but you've never tried me, that seems highly unfair." Elgin gives a look of mock hurt to the smith, still his mouth crinkles a little as she does the whole row. Liri is given a chuckle, even if it is just to distract himself from what he must do now. "What wrong with a little -flinging- of words. Flinging words never hurt anyone." His smirk is settled back on Nathalia, each glass is titled back, down the row, he doesn't pause, and his eyes stay focused on the girl in front of him. He slams the last glass down when he done, and as it hits the sound is louder than he expected. The look on his face says he knows he may be in over his head, though he hides it quickly. "Again." Is all that is offered, the boys gaze glazing over slightly.

"I missed that lesson in Boozecraft classses." Rhaelyn replies to the greenrider as she keeps fingers wrapped around the neck of the bottle. "I think we have a handle on this though, it's only a friendly wager between these two." The thought of going slower to make it worse on them /is/ entertaining. So she does hesitate, making a show of turning over the glasses, allowing more time for their stomachs to marinate before the next round. The glasses are filled up as she rolls her eyes over Nathalia's braggery.

"Ah, a timed release. That sound make sense, given some medicine is put in distilled medicines," Liri murmurs, before looking up and offering a fleeting smile. "My apologies for the need to instruct - for I have to admit, I have never spoken to anyone on how to hold a drinking contest. Or even been to one."

/shards and shells/ Nat isn't happy now. Its only a matter of time before the alcohol starts taking effect and he's keeping an even pace. What the shell did she know about kissing any how, other than it was something to be avoided at all costs. A venomous glance at Rhae, but she takes a glass as its poured. She just has to out last him, but she hasn't been drinking water too like she normally does. "What the shells do I know about kissing or the like, ffttt I can't loosse. Don't know how to do any of that properly, and the work room they gave me is a sharding mess. Never tried anyone and I sure as Farnath don't plan to start now." She's getting louder now, and here come the obscenities.

"Bunch of children," the greenrider remarks with amusement. "Come down here next restday, and we'll show you a real contest." Still, she offers a casual bit of advice as she stands and moves to leave, "Make sure they have access to healers, after this, to make sure they don't get the blood poison. Have fun, kids."

Rhaelyn laughs, "Blood poison." For whatever raeson, that just tickles the exile pink. "Oh Fishbones and fornication. You two are so screwed." Another laugh and she waits for them to finish their line of drinks. "Thank you rider, I think I will come and watch the 'real' fun, with professionals." The real liver-killers. She smirks at Elgin as he flirts with her, "You don't need to. By the way, I think you made a suckass bet--since your lady here doesn't know about kissing." It's only when Elgin talks about a nap that she gets back to refilling their glasses, "Drink up! Neither of you look like passing out yet."

The rider was right of course, Nathalia hadn't quite been as confident as she pretended. Sure she could kick the tails of any of the guys back home, but Dragonriders were something else entirely. Nat waved a bar keep over with a pitcher of water to start damage control quickly, downing a couple glasses before she even /thought/ about picking up another of the rotgut. "I certainly don't need /lessons/" she could feel her head get a little fuzzy, but the water would at least help some. She glared at Rhaelyn, "Yes well I don't make habits of finding self confidence in other people's beds or at their expense." And there went the filter that Nat had worked so hard to achieve. "Not cheating, waiting for you to pass out." She grumbled.

"You're both getting a pitcher of water after this. Two, if one's needed to wake you up, I hope you realize." Because blood poisoning, and needing a healer afterwards? Is enough to make Liri fret, to the point where a bit of hair has made its way into her mouth.

"Water? Water!" Elgin doesn't know a whole lot about this, but it doesn't seem right. There is something horribly wrong here and he's not going to stand by and take it. Or he is going to stand. Elgin starts to stand, but half way up starts to look a little green and thinks better of it settling back into his chair. "You jusss...you juss...you just said you didn't know. I'm trying to be /nice/..." He takes another shot, no water, cause he's a /man/, and he half turn half falls in the direction of Rhaelyn, "Maaaayybbee...maybe it was a bad bet, but s'not like the one I /want/ to...to..to kissss me. Would." He grabs the other islanders hand, and his mouth opens to say something else, but instead his head rolls slowly to oneside, and then backward and finally crashes to the table.

Nat nodded at the healer, "Yes well I have been singularly stupid, I think maybe I did underestimate him." She whispered at Liri, and there he went. Nat wouldn't forget the words, she hadn't wanted to necessarily kiss anyone, but she also didn't like the thought of being a proxy for someone else. "Er Water, lots of it, I am going to be pissing like a runner beast. And ah, we have to try to carry him now to the healers don't we?" She looked a little unhappy at the idea. She was unsure how she felt about winning, but she did look quite relieved. She hoped he'd forgive her for the headache he'd have tomorrow.

Rhaelyn laughs again, head shaking slowly back and forth as the drinking girl's comment just draws up deeper amusement. Even though the 'judge' is taunting Nathalia, there's no love-lost on Elgin either for when he wavers, she smirks cruely at him and his soon-to-be downfall. When Elgin reaches out to her, her haughty features transform into horror, "oh -groosss-." There she is, the messy drunk Elgin gushing over her before head-desking. His hands still limp in hers as his body slumps over. "Well, it looks like you win Nathalia. Congratulations? YOu don't have to have him sucking your face. Hope you make him shovel out latrines while he's still hungover."

Rhaelyn adds haughtily, "I will make sure he gets to the healers." As though she doesn't trust the drunk girl to do it. "You just look after yourself."

"... boys." Because really, that about sums it up for Lirienne. Elgin gets a look, just to make sure he's still breathing, then she slumps a bit. "Probably - I haven't had to learn about blood poisoning yet." To Nat, "Lots of waters. Pitchers, and pitchers of it."

An icy glare was shot in Rhae's direction for the latrines comment. She obviously doesn't trust Rhae to look after the boy either. Especialy after her reaction to the fall. "Take this however you want, but /I/ look after my /friends/, and I take responsibility for /my/ actions." She's only in slightly better shape herself, but its obvious she won't let the issue go. She is after all responsible. Rhae has also proven to be quite the cruel little wherry too. She glances at Liri, the only other person so far in the room who has earned the title of 'friend' "Yeah that's the best treatment."

"oh /shut/ /up/." Rhaelyn says quietly to Nathalia. "I'm sick of your insults. I've had nothing but insults from you. All day. Give it a rest. You think I don't take responsability for my actions? You think I'm not a good person? Well boo-hoo, you drunk little know-it-all. You sit here and drink your sharding water. I'm taking Elgin to the healer. I can at least walk and see straight. Maybe -your- friend Lirienne should take care of you."

"H-hold it, ladies. I'm actually concerned about b-both contestants," Lirienne holds up her hands, pulling hair out of her mouth to protest. "Maybe both should g-go to the healers, just to make sure?"

Nat was intoxicated, and now furious. "I only returned what you dished out, If you have a problem with it don't open your mouth in the first place." She actually listens to Liri though and nods. "I want to at least see him to the healers, and then Liri I will drink as much water as you like.

Rhaelyn puts the bottle on the top of the table and leans over close to Nat, "I think you should think about who tossed out the first insult." Afterall, it was Nat who started baiting her. "I only asked Elgin if his choice in bets..." She shrugs and walks out, "Fucking asshole."

Lirienne reaches up to rub at the bridge of her nose, then shakes her head. "Healers first, fights s-second, please. I'll help with Elgin, given Nat can still walk." Sorta. In a drunken sort of way. And that's what she'll do. Even if it takes a while for insults to pass and the like.

riorde, rhaelyn, !glacier, nathalia, lirienne, elgin, !exiles

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