Log: In which Taikrin gets caught!!!

Jul 06, 2011 21:28

Date: Early evening, day 23, month 2, turn 26 of Interval 10
Summary: Taikrin's departure to Southern with Riorde was not unobserved. K'del is PISSED.

NorCon MUSH - 7/6/2011

K'del's Weyr, High Reaches Weyr(#1716RL)
Rank certainly has its privileges, and among them are amply appointed apartments. The short flight of stairs from the Weyrleader's Complex opens up into the larger of two chambers, formally decorated and clearly designed to cater as much to important guests as the occupant's personal living. Old, but obviously expensive, llama wool rugs dyed blue-and-black cover the stone floor, leading towards the second chamber, the stairs, and the rush-filled dragon couch and ledge beyond it. A formal seating arrangement - a sofa and chairs, all blue-and-black - sits around a large, tiled fireplace, whilst along the other wall, a finely made, if now somewhat antique, desk sits between a bookshelf and a tall cupboard to which tack-hooks have been attached, riding gear arranged neatly inside. Two tapestries hung from the high walls depict overdone splendour for High Reaches Weyr, one a long view of the snow-covered bowl, and the other a hazy impressionist piece of dragons flaming over a springtime countryside.
The inner weyr, made up of a sleeping cavern and a private bathing area, is smaller and cosier and distinctly less ostentatious. An oversized wooden sleigh bed fills much of the space, the mattress piled high with overstuffed down pillows and comforter, their covers dyed in varying shades of navy blue, light blue and bronze. There's a nightstand on either side, both with reading lamps, and against one of the other walls, a tall, heavy wardrobe made from a dark wood that matches the bed. The bathing area is part of the same cavern, a folding screen shielding the toilet and slightly raised, double-sized bathtub built into the stone, and a small shelf holding toiletries, shaving equipment, and clean towels.
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Obvious exits:
Complex Ledge

/Someone/ told. Maybe the watchrider saw Szadath leave, maybe someone saw Riorde mounting up while they were still on the ground. Whatever someone saw, someone reported-- and that would be why, as Szadath returns from the South, there's a sharp-edged jangle aimed in his direction. << Return her to the ground and come and see us, >> he instructs. << Now. >> Not exactly a cheery invitation. Or... really an invitation at all. Inside his weyr, K'del is waiting, his expression unreadable. Except: kind of pissed. That's probably obvious.

And Taikrin? She looks sublimely pleased with herself. The pink that heralds mild sunburn probably has something to do with it, or maybe it's the fact that there's STILL sand in her hair and clinging to her hastily-redonned winter clothing. Either way, she manages to look sound innocent and a little confused about the summons as she stomps into K'del's weyr. "Weyrleader, sir?" She pauses by the entryway, reluctant to enter. "Szadath said you were lookin' for me?"

Though K'del is seated, he rather pointedly does /not/ invite Taikrin to join him at one of the others. Nor does he offer her any of the klah that has - by the smell - so recently been made. Instead, he fastens a long and meaningful glance upon the brownrider, measuring her up and down, sand and all, before he wonders, "Was there a particular reason you took one of the exiles out of the weyr? Against my express orders? Some kind of emergency; something vitally important that required you both to be elsewhere?" Hint: booty call is not a satisfactory explanation.

Apparently Taikrin has given this scenario a lot of thought -- or else, none at all -- because her immediate reaction of clueless befuddlement looks convincing enough. "Express orders, sir?" Surely not! She does draw into the weyr proper, enough to not require yelling, and instinctively takes up an attention stance with her arms behind her back... which dislodges a shower of sand onto K'del's nice stone floor.

It's a good thing K'del has lower caverns staff to clean up after him. Though maybe he should demand Taikrin do it-- or maybe not. He gives the sand a glance, then turns his gaze back upon the brownrider. "Yeah. The whole 'exiles don't leave the weyr' thing? Remember that?" It'd seem casual, except that there's definite force behind his words.

Taikrin hesitates momentarily, glancing down and to the side before responding tentatively, "That was, like, months ago. Surely it ain't /still/ in effect, yeah? 'Specially since I'm, you know, part of the Weyr. She was under supervision, didn't talk to nobody strange, promise." She can't help the little quirk of her lips at 'supervision'.

'Supervision'. K'del's expression tightens. Can he be forgiven for immediately jumping to conclusions? After all this time, he's got to know /something/ of Taikrin's proclivities. Her habits. "It's still in force. It's in force until I say otherwise. And /you/ should've known that. What, you just decided it would be more fun to leave? You didn't think anyone would notice?"

"I didn't think it'd be a big /deal/-- didn't reckon anyone even cares. I mean, it ain't like they're our /prisoners/, are they?" Taikrin's presentation of naive innocence falters, a little, on that last note when her voice hardens. With effort, she relaxes her stance somewhat and tries out a ghost of her lopsided smile. "Anyways, 'cause it was, you know, such a long time ago. Figured probably we just didn't hear about how they was allowed to go when they were /supervised/. I mean really, what's she gonna do?"

"Of course they're not /prisoners/," says K'del, sharply, as though this is an accusation he takes very seriously - and very personally. "There are /reasons/. Can't expect you to understand that, maybe, but I /do/ expect you to follow orders." He doesn't smile to match hers; if anything, he looks more annoyed by the presence of it. "You disobeyed my order. Can't trust you with them."

"Hey, we didn't know!" Taikrin protests, all innocence once more. "Just a misunderstanding, you know? Didn't know it was an /order/." Placating now, though pretending to be 'soothing' is not one of her strong suites, and it shows. "Now I know, we won't be takin' her nowhere. Besides, I figure gettin' to see the, uh, ocean totally made her turn."

Silence. Lengthy silence. And then? "Bullshit. You knew perfectly well, and you decided to ignore it for your own benefit." K'del is clearly not taken in by any of it, and is biting back words rather sharper than the (already sharp) ones he's expressing. "You need to stay away from them. /All of them/. You see an exile coming, you walk the other way. Got my eye on you, Taikrin, and frankly? I don't trust you."

There's a moment of heavy silence, then, "Wait, what? All of them? You don't mean that--" Taikrin takes a couple of heavy steps further into the weyr, unpleasant surprise painted all over her face. "We didn't know-- and /that ain't fair/!!"

"Bullshit it isn't fair." K'del is not so cool, right now. He's pretty pissed, in fact. He half rises in his chair, pauses, then rises the rest of the way, arms crossing in front of his chest. "And until I say otherwise, you and Szadath are grounded except for your normal duties. You report when you're heading out for sweeps, you report when you come back. And I'll /know/ if you're loitering elsewhere. You hear?"

"What?!" From surprise to outrage, now, barely controlled. "That's not fair!" The color is rising in Taikrin's cheeks, beneath the burgeoning sunburn. "We didn't do /nothing/!"

K'del's eyes roll, a gesture of barely contained scorn. "I'm fucking tired of putting up with everyone and their fucking stupid opinions," he says-- a pretty good indication that his anger has probably been a long time coming, and can't /all/ be thanks to Taikrin. Lucky woman, in the wrong place and the wrong time. "You disobeyed my order. Won't give you the opportunity to do it again."

The last time Taikrin looked so primed for violence, she came back to the Weyr with a new knife scar. She goes still in that dangerous way that she used to do all the time, hasn't indulged in for nearly a turn now, and it's only with heroic effort that she doesn't explode in turn. Instead, her voice is low and husky and /angry/ as she responds, "This ain't fair, not even a little, 'cause these people AIN'T convicts and if they want to go see the ocean then we bloody flaming well ought to LET them and---" Jaws slam shut on the rest of her rant and she just stands there, breathing heavily through her nose.

A certain amount of wariness is visible in K'del's expression, as though he's caught exactly how angry Taikrin is - how close to violence. He has to force himself to take a deep breath before he replies. "They're not convicts, no. They're not prisoners, either. But until I say they can leave the weyr, they're staying here." His voice, now, is very low, and very quiet. "They need time to adjust before they're released into the wider world. It's for the best. So you /will/ stay away from them. And you /will/ stick to the weyr, except when duty calls you elsewhere. Or you'll be hearing from me again. Do you understand, Brownrider?"

"You're turning into the fucking bedroom guard, too?" Taikrin's voice remains low, and she stays oh-so-still. "Or maybe my weyr ain't a part of the Weyr, either? Or maybe it don't matter if she /loves/ me, it don't count 'cause we ain't gonna have loads of nice babies for the Weyr, huh?" She can't help it-- she has to push, on this point at the very least. "What if she's /asking/ to see me? Begging? 'Cause she needs me? You gonna go tell that poor little girl she ain't allowed?"

Dubiousness is written all over K'del's faintly-pink cheeks; his eyebrows raise. "Oh, sure. You love her. /Love/ her. And your perfect love requires--" He breaks off. "Stay away from her. If you're good? Maybe I'll lift the restriction in a little while. But right now, I do not trust you with them."

Teeth grit together so tightly that it's miraculous K'del can't hear the grinding. "What, 'cause I might lose her between or contaminate her before you--" Taikrin has good sense enough not to finish /that/ thought out loud, whatever her private opinions might be. "If I'm good, you'll lift the restriction. Right." Somehow, she doesn't seem to believe that. But then, she also seems to be accepting the verdict-- or at least relaxing into it, given that she doesn't QUITE seem as prepared to knife K'del there-and-then.

Before he? But K'del doesn't finish the thought, either, and certainly doesn't raise the question verbally - just a lift of his eyebrows that rapidly drops again. Don't answer. "I mean it, Taikrin," he says, then, firmly. "You stay away, you do your duties and stay out of trouble, and we'll review the situation. But until then?" She knows. "Hope it was worth it."

Taikrin refrains from snapping back, especially because it would probably be as pithy as 'screw you, dragon-dad'. The muscles in her jaw work as she tries to form a suitable reply, before finally spitting out, "Yes, sir. Are you going to tell her, or should I?" Because nothing would give her greater pleasure, apparently.

"I'll tell her." K'del's quite calm about that. "What's her name?"

Silence. Maybe more silence than might be appropriate for such a question, before Taikrin blurts, "Ri-- uh, Riorde." It's not /exactly/ pronounced properly, though maybe that can be blamed on her accent? Or on the fact that she's probably said that name all of once, ever, in her time of knowing the exile?

K'del looks dubious, as if to say 'and you profess to love her?' Again, however, he evidently thinks better of actually /saying/ as much. "Dismissed, Brownrider."

And suddenly Taikrin has the burning desire to be somewhere - anywhere - else. With a clipped, "Yes, sir," she turns smartly on one heel and moves to leave the weyr with all haste.

Smart brownrider. Sort of. K'del watches her go, expression unreadable. But probably pissed.

Good! Because Taikrin is probably pissed, AND she can't go and take advantage of her favorite outlet for excessive aggression.

k'del, !glacier, ~riorde, !exiles

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