Log: In which there is sunburn and teasure!

Mar 15, 2011 23:57

Date: Day 22, Month 3, Turn 25 of Interval 10
Summary: Taikrin and Teris' escape for her turnday ends up having a lot more of the Weyr present than initially planned. But that doesn't stop Szadath and Taikrin from discovering treasure!

Southern Beach(#1636R)
Golden stand stretches in both directions for as far as the eye can see, broken only by the occasional encroaching cliff, the ancient stone formed into rockpools and outcroppings. Inland, open sand is gradually taken over by lush greenery: dense forest extending all the way back to distant mountains that might even be days of walking from here. The ocean, too, stretches out unbroken: there's no other land to be seen, nothing but blue and blue and blue until the point at which it hits the horizon, where blue meets another kind of blue, in the endless, cloudless sky.
A tent-like structure has been strung up between trees and a few tall posts, providing shelter from the hot sun. There are no tables, and no chairs, beneath it, however: just a few haphazardly slung blankets, providing only the most basic comfort. A few paces beyond the edge of the tent is a bonfire built from driftwood.
The water is shallow, here, protected by a sandbar a few lengths out.
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Obvious exits:

It's not /quite/ a mass exodus, but close enough: a good chunk of High Reaches seems to have made its way down South, down to the golden beaches and the swushing waves... and the complete lack of the gray clouds that stifle their Weyr. There are gamblers (including Leova, sprawled out in long-sleeved shirt and loose pants on a blanket, with a, "Your deal," to her neighbor), girls and boys in bikinis and nothing at all, beachcombers, and... who brought the booze, anyway? Because mixing /that/ with unfamiliar heat and sun is always such a good idea.

Taikrin is still grumbling, off and on, about the not-quite-mass exodus that seems to have /followed them/ out of the Weyr. She's got the fine makings of a sunburn over the alcohol-induced flush of her cheeks, but that doesn't stop her from swigging from her skin nor running across the sand towards Teris. "Hey-- hey! Szad he actually /did/ find somethin' diggin' up that cove. Imagine that!"

It's hard /not/ to end up bringing most of the weyr out with you, at this time of turn. Even K'del is here, letting wave after wave wash over his feet as he keeps a (very) careful eye on one of his toddling sons. Kasey squeals - that high pitched, dreadful sound the very young do so like making - and bats at the sand, having fallen forward towards the ground. The Weyrleader reaches to pick him up, zooming him through the air.

Running across sand... means /kicking up/ sand, barely better than kicked-up waves or encroaching toddlers. Leova's neighbor hasn't quite pulled the cards back to him in time, and now he lurches up on his hairy elbow, squinting into the sun. The rest of them are looking too, now, but it's that man who says, "Found something? What's that you got there?"

There are hints of too much sun on Teris' poor, pale skin but there's no alcohol-induced flush to any part of her person so far. Probably. She doesn't seem entirely thrilled about all of these people from High Reaches here but so far she hasn't been very outspoken about it. Instead she's trying to enjoy the little bit of sand she's staked for herself and she doesn't even have any paperwork with her. Taikrin surprises her when she comes closer and she asks, "What could he have possibly found?" Like she's quite sure there's nothing /to/ be found.

Though the brown is not in sight, presumably still toiling away in the next cove over, Taikrin has formed her shirt into a small bundle, which she hastily spills out in the sand next to Teris. "/Eggs/!" she announces, smugly, and just a little slurred. "Good thing he was scoopin' so big, up by that rock bluff, you know? Uncovered a whole little set of 'em!" There are, indeed, a couple of tiny mottled eggs resting in the sand that's been piled into her shirt.

Kasey's squealing doesn't abate under this new and improved form of entertainment: being swung about from great heights is, apparently, a /thoroughly/ enjoyable pasttime. But K'del's caught sight - and perhaps word - of the conversation surrounding Taikrin and Teris, so, son still held high, he wanders into their direction, falling in not far behind the brownrider. "Eggs? Faranth, can't take a trip south at all without running into them, I swear."

"Well, blow me down. Eggs," says the man, careless of any childish ears that might be tempted by such a thing, even if they weren't listening to their own father already. "Breakfast!" teases the greenrider on Leova's other side, already scrambling up to her feet. And once she spots Teris beyond... "Or is that Iskiveth's doing? You tell me, does she look plump?" Leova, she's staying out of it, verbally at least, reaching out to try and rescue the cards that are getting abandoned in their turn... which turns into a swipe at Rhonda's toes. "Trying to get me into trouble, you."

Ignoring any attention that they're attracting for the moment, Teris eyes the eggs dubiously then looks up at Taikrin. Then back down at the eggs. And then she's look past everything else to shoot a glare Leova-wards. Because apparently that comment deserves a glare! "Well... go do something with them," she finally says to Taikrin. "Before you trip and crush them all or something." If anything is going on with Iskiveth, like helping Szadath ruin whatever part of the beach they're on, she's not saying anything about it.

Taikrin's shoulder hunch forward as all the attention finally dawns on her, and she shoots a glare of her own over her shoulder: my eggs, mine!, my precious~~ "Well if y'all don't appreciate 'em you can just bite me 'cause I weren't gonna give 'em to you /anyways/." She sits back on her heels, arranging the three little eggs into a tidy little triangle on a mound of sand. "I ain't ever seen firelizard eggs up close before. What'm I /supposed/ to do with 'em? Think they're gonna hatch soon?" Because Teris is the master of all-things-egg-related. "Reckon they're worth marks, maybe?"

"Egg!" That's Kasey, who waves clubby fists in that direction now that he's /seen/ the eggs in question. His tone is defiantly acquisitory. "Daddy, egg?" Which makes the corners of K'del's mouth twitch, though he stops himself from smiling outright. "No, no eggs. They're /Taikrin's/ eggs. She can have the little bu-- things all to herself." Kasey gets deposited onto his shoulders, held tight. "Reckon they look pretty small. Probably just green eggs."

Leova, being glared at? Rhonda's surely not going to get in the way of /that/. She's tousling the rusty hair in recompense for the toe-grabbing, only then both of their heads lift. In unison. As much in unison as, "Just. Green eggs." As for the big guy, seeing only three, he slopes off with a grumpy sigh: he can count. Better to have beer in the hand than eggs anyway.

"I don't know anything about firelizard eggs," says Teris, vaguely agitated. "If they're hard, maybe. If they're anything like dragon eggs. I don't know." Or she just really doesn't care. One might note that she has no firelizard of her own and it's probably not for lack of access to an egg here or there. "Sure you could get something. Plenty of people dumb enough to spend a mark on just about anything."

"Ain't nothin' wrong with small! Greens are useful! An' look, there's definitely somethin' in there!" Taikrin snatches one of the eggs, holding it up between her eye and the sun to expose the shadowy shape of -something- inside. Magnanimously, she offers to K'del, "He can /look/, I /guess/, if he ain't gonna break one." The egg in-hand is offered to Teris, heedless of all signs of total disinterest. "You know more about eggs'n I do! What d'you think?"

K'del squirms, uncomfortably, under the combined response of the greenriders; clearly, he didn't think his statement through properly, given present company. "Of course, green /dragons/--" But he's had enough practice with this particular misstep that he merely bobs his head forward, apparently accepting culpability, and says to Taikrin; "He won't, I promise. C'mon, Kase - look, but don't touch, right?"

"Could say he tried," supposes Leova to her clutchmate, dryly. After an acknowledging shrug, though, the Boreal rider still doesn't seem to be quite mollified. Aiming to catch Taikrin's eye, "Would it hurt to let him touch? If the kid /does/ break one, you know his da's got to be good for it..." Does she have to spell it out? Leova, now, she's not /quite/ laughing as she helps out, "Worth more than a mark, t'the right person."

Teris takes the egg forced on her because, other than purposefully letting it drop, she has no other choice. She gives it an annoyed look, holds it up against the sun briefly before handing it back to Taikrin. "It definitely looks like an egg. And probably hard enough that I'd guess they're going to hatch sometime in the near future." At this point she's getting up and dusting bits of sand off of herself. "If you'll excuse me--" Except she gives no reason for excusing, just brushes past the intruders and starts walking off without any other particular good-byes.

Taikrin doesn't pout, precisely, when Teris hands the egg back and walks off, but she definitely wilts a little. "Thanks, Teris. See ya." A little disgruntled, she eyes the approaching K'del-and-spawn and reluctantly holds the selfsame egg out for their inspection. "Reckon he /is/ good for it. I guess." She shifts, sprawling bare legs out in the sand, and makes a face at Leova-and-clutchmate. "Y'all don't know how long takes 'em to hatch, do you? Reckon they're safe t'take between?"

K'del shoots a glance at Rhonda, wary-eyed. He's all prepared to refuse Taikrin's offer, however, reluctant, but Kasey lets another of those squeals, grabby hands aimed at the egg. Which means there's no option but for K'del to take it, holding it /close/ to his son, but not exactly handing it over. "We'll be careful," he promises, determined: if he can do anything in this life, it will be /protect/ this egg. Seriously. "Egg, daddy, egg!" says Kasey. His father adds, then, "Reckon if you wrap them up properly they will be."

There's some shuffling around as Teris moves by, through which Rhonda tells Leova's wingmate, "/I/ don't have any girls who lay /eggs/," in a tone that's very who-do-you-take-me-for. "Blues, and just one little bronze..." There's a little emphasis on that /just/, though she's not looking at K'del and his wary eyes now, and she's certainly not hiding her smile the way Leova's doing. Not that Leova's doing an especially good job of it, given the gleam in those amber eyes. At least her voice is placid enough. "Once they get going, don't take long, anyhow." Neither woman is paying a whole lot of attention to the boy, except to make sure he stays clear of /them/.

"'Cause I reckon maybe my sisters might want one, an' if they ARE greens then they can lay eggs, right?" Taikrin has one cautious eye on the oh-so-hard little egg and its oh-so-little admirer, but the question is asked of the greenriders. "An' then maybe I can sell 'em off..." She runs fingers over the other two eggs, possessively, as if they might hatch marks at any moment. "How old is he, anyways?" There's an obvious nervousness in her question, especially as she cuts another look at Kasey. "'Cause..."

Kasey is far too distracted by the egg to pay attention to anything else, but the same cannot be said for his father, who glances up surprised at the question. "Shells, Taikrin, way too young for a firelizard. We're just /looking/, and then you can have it back, I promise." The glance he slides towards Leova and co might be taken as a confused do-you-get-what-she's-on-about, even if he /did/ put himself in bad books not that long ago. "I'm sure your sisters would love them. Kids seem to. When they're old enough." Unlike Kasey here, for example.

"Can," Rhonda has the judicious-if-dubious comment for once, while Leova lifts a shoulder and lets it fall in a way that's not /quite/ a squirm. She shuffles the cards in what's by now a habitual gesture, scraping off bits of sand here and there along the way. "Finding 'em's harder. But." They came here to relax, right? Not dwell on the care and feeding of winged mouths. And if she wanted to hang around kids... "Anyhow. Know a couple people who do that sorta thing. Gonna get something to drink though, cool off." Fanning the cards into a sunshade, she tips a nod at Taikrin-and-her-treasure, and even K'del, for whatever enlightenment it offers. And as for Rhonda, though she's usually the more outspoken of the pair, she'll trail off after the other greenrider soon enough. But not without looking back.

"-- 'cause..." Taikrin trails off, apparently having lost the thread of her objection, and settles for just furrowing her sunburned brow. "... whatever. S'fine. Ain't like he's gonna break it after Szad all but tossed 'em down the beach. Reckon maybe it'll break open on its own, anyways? Thought one of 'em was movin', but--" More likely, any egg movement could be attributed to the fact that she's /still/ drinking, despite the heat. "Thanks for th'help," she mutters, sardonically, at the departing greenriders. Then, loudly, "Oi, grab me somethin', will ya? Don't care, s'long as it's cold."

K'del's gaze, briefly, tracks after Leova and Rhonda, but Taikrin's mention of /movement/ definitely turns his attention back. Hurriedly, the egg is thrust back at the brownrider: "Then we're done looking at it. Even if you /were/ mistaken. Last thing I need to do is explain to Avey--" Kasey's lower lip trembles as the egg is taken away from him, and as his father notices, an escape is quickly arranged: "Reckon we'd better move on. C'mon, Kase. Later, Taikrin."

Was that the bird that Rhonda just flipped her? Or invitation? In any case, when they get around to sauntering back, it'll be a waterskin tossed towards Taikrin's lap and nothing more. Poor Kasey: he doesn't even get that.

Greenriders should know by now-- flipping a bird at Taikrin IS an invitation. Luckily, one she misses while she fusses over her eggs for a while longer. But at least it's not SALT water!

k'del, teris, !glacier, leova, szadath

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