Log: In which Taikrin, Gabe, and Xeo look hot in new leathers!

Apr 24, 2010 13:27

Date: Day 19, Month 7, Turn 22 of Interval 10

NorCon MUSH - 4/22/2010

Storerooms, High Reaches Weyr(#273RJs)
Massive in scale, the Weyr's main storage passage connects to the kitchen on one end and the outbound tunnel on the other. Large enough to admit a wagon laden with goods, the tunnel easily permits the unloading and organization of supplies into the various storerooms.
Branching off from this corridor are multiple caverns, the nearer two being 'open' stores from which residents can readily help themselves, while the deeper stores are kept locked up tight with a posted sign and inventory hung on a hook outside of each. An alcove next to the public stores serves as a catch-all area for reshelving items whose destination is uncertain; two sets of stone shelving and several bins hold these items neatly until a stores assistant has a moment to deal with them.
Though the storage caverns vary in size, shape, and the smoothness of their walls, all belong to the same system: whitewashed walls, swept floors, and most importantly, neatly labeled and inventoried shelves providing ample space to stow all the supplies a busy Weyr needs. Though there's no direct internal lighting, a glowbasket may be brought in from the niche outsde each cavern, the better to ward off pests and the inky dark of deep caves.
Obvious exits:
Weyr Entrance Kitchens

It is a summer afternoon, 19:03 of day 19, month 7, turn 22 of Interval 10.

After dinner, weyrlings have scattered hither and yon, some to go make out in dark corridors, some to study for their next day's lessons... and some to hunt up used riding gear, since it won't be too much longer until they're actually flying with their dragons. "I know the jackets are down this way," Gabe says confidently, as he leads a couple of other weyrlings through the rows of shelves.

Taikrin is following right on G'brion's shoulder, though she looks none-too-confident in this endeavor. "An' yer /sure/ we're allowed t'just go down here an' take whatever?" She pauses for just a moment, fingering a bolt of dark blue cloth lying on a shelf, before hurrying forward once more. "Seems weird t'me, not havin' t'pay fer this stuff."

X'en is following the other two weyrlings, eying around at the storerooms. "Aye, why would they just let us take whatever we wanted out of these?" He asks. "Even clothes, that's hard ta believe." Then again, the Weyrwoman had given him a bunch of her weyrmates clothes when he was a candidate. "What kinda shape are these jackets in?"

"Within reason," Gabe says, and shrugs. "I mean, if you took /all/ the jackets on the shelf? Someone might have an issue with that, you know? It has to be stuff you're going to use. Basically." And here's the shelf with wherhide jackets: he points, and grins at X'en. "See for yourself." They're in reasonably good condition, some with more wear than others; a few even look new, but they may or may not fit.

"What, y'mean I can't go resellin' 'em at a markup?" Taikrin scoffs, though there's just a hint of something else in the casual way she dismisses the notion. "So, let's see. We gotta find a normal size one, th'biggest bloody one they got, an' th' smallest one they got." There's a teasing grin slanted over towards G'brion as she picks up the first jacket, eyes the huge rent in the leather, then tosses it to the side. "Right. How many marks didja say it'd be t'get our own made, again?"

X'en snaps his fingers jokingly. "Damn, there went my plans ta make a profit." He remarks, and shoots Taikrin a grin, before he eyes the jackets, picking one off the shelf. "Shells, some of these look new." He says. "Here Gabe, this one looks like it'll fitcha." He says, and tosses the jacket at the man, before he goes about picking at the rest.

G'brion catches the jacket that X'en tosses his way, smirking at Taikrin's remark. "Not unless you want Milani to smile you to death, or something," he jokes. "Costs about two marks to have one made new, if it's good. More if you want a whole flying suit." He's pulling the jacket on as he speaks, and fastening up the clasps in front. The sleeves are a little long on him, but it'll give him room to grow. He poses. "What do you think?"

Taikrin sorts through another two, discarding one for the suspicious stains, then tossing one large, well-worn jacket over her shoulder in X'en's direction. "Don't know if this'll fit, but it looks kinda big." She pauses mid-sort to eye G'brion up and down critically. "Looks kinda big, but not bad. Maybe somethin' bit darker, if we can find one? Guess it'll get th'job down. How's it feel?" Another newish jacket is picked up, then discarded with a snort and a mutter about the smell of cheap tanning.

X'en catches the jacket, and peers at it. "I might hacve ta save fer a new one then." He grunts, and tries it on, only to have the well worn seems decide they've had enough, and break. He slips it back off, and tosses it. "Thought they checked these things." He says, and goes back to looking.

"It's not bad," Gabe says casually, though he looks thrilled: his very own riding jacket! He steps over to join them at the shelves and start pawing through the jackets. Blinking at X'en, he says, "Maybe they checked 'em on somebody smaller?" and grins.

"Yeah, shoulders like yers? Hope y'got some marks floatin' around. Don't reckon they could even make one bigger for ya." Discontent with the current pile of jackets, Taikrin squats down to paw through those on the next shelf, leaving a pile of messy leather in her wake. "Ain't none of this right." A moment later she straightens, a dark grey jacket in her hands. It's worn, but not overly so, but it's rather loose on Taikrin's frame when she pulls it on. "I dunno... look big t'you guys?"

X'en keeps pawing through the jackets, and snorts. "There's gotta be one here, and they only gotta last till we can get better ones, right?" He asks them, and pulls out another jacket, worn, but not as much as the last. "Looks good Tai, maybe a little loose though." He says, and pulls his jacket on, a little long length wise. "How's mine look?" He asks, as he snaps it up.

"Yeah, exactly," Gabe says, though his glance at X'en is thoughtful, as though he's thinking more than he's saying. "That looks - well it's a /bit/ big," he says to Taikrin, "but the color is nice. It could do! Especially if you're bundled up in warm weather clothes." He swings around to take a look at X'en in his find.

Taikrin pulls the jacket off, but sets it in a separate pile from the rest. "Maybe. I dunno. It's not like it's gonna be cold for a coupl'a months still. Guess I shouldn't be too picky, but... Szad was real excited. Wants me t'have a real nice one, y'know? Gotta be perfect, so it can be perfect when we go flyin' t'gether." A glance is thrown towards X'en, and she even comes up to tug on the shoulders of his jacket. "Not bad. I like how long it is on ya. Could work, I guess?"

X'en shrugs, and shrugs out of the jacket. "I aint picky about clothes, this one'll work." He says, and slings the jacket over an arms. "Besides, with ma size, it's liable ta hard ta be find another one." He chuckles, and eyes Gabe in his jacket. "That one looks good on ya, the long sleeves might be a problem though."

G'brion shrugs. "I dunno, I'm growing so fast, I doubt it'll matter. But I can get someone to trim them up for me or something, probably, if I need to." He's even less picky than X'en, it would see. "So! We all set?" He looks at Taikrin to see if she's happy with hers.

Taikrin stares at X'en a moment, jaws working, before she breaks out into a series of not-too-kind guffaws. "Whad'you mean, y'ain't pick about clothes! Didn't y'get pinched for stealin' 'em? An' didn't y'have Saliqa pickin' out new ones for ya?" Dark head is shaken ruefully as she paws idly through another jacket pile, muttering, "Ain't picky my ass." Louder, then, to G'brion: "Dunno, we need pants too y'reckon? Maybe I can get that'n taken in or somethin'."

"Right, pants," Gabe says, just as if he hasn't forgotten. "Those are like two shelves down or something." He shrugs off the jacket - it'd get warm in here, wearing them - and carries it with him as he walks down the aisle. "I think Extra Huge is over there," he says, pointing, oh so helpfully.

"I aint picky, cause I never had ta be picky, when yer poor, ya ain't exactly got a choice." X'en says in reply. "Ya sound pickier than I am! The both of ya!" He says, and moves down the the aisle to the pants section. "Think we oughta get boots too?" He asks, as he rummages through the pants are, checking the larger sizes section.

Taikrin is utterly unconvinced, and the look she shoots over her shoulder as she collects her jacket and follows after G'brion says it all. "Yeah, uh huh. Right. Y'just spend more time fussin' over clothes'n me an' Gabe combined." The jacket she's claimed is set carefully aside as she starts the arduous task of picking through the pants to find a match. "Hey Gabe, we supposed t'wear this over normal pants, or by themselves?"

"Oh, do you not have boots?" Gabe asks in surprise, even as he's prying his own boots off and stepping out of his pants so that he can try on a pair of leather riding pants. "Usually by themselves, unless it's really cold out, then you'll wear long johns under," he says to Taikrin.

X'en snorts. "Nah, I don't, and Saliqa /offered/, it aint like I asked her too." He says, and looks to Gabe, giving a shake of his head. "Nah, I got boots." And he points down at the ones he's wearing. "Just wonderin' if we needed ta get another pair." He says, and gets his own off, along with his pants, to try on the leather pair he found. "Why do we gotta get these anyway, jacket I can understand, but new pants too? What's wrong with the ones we wear?"

"'Cause it's gonna be cold, right? An', y'know, we're gonna be riding. Gotta look th'part." Taikrin shoots a smirk towards X'en, then plops down onto the floor to tug off /her/ boots and pants. It's not like she has a pair to try on picked out yet, but it's much easier to pick out pants when you aren't wearing any. Right? Right. "Reckon these're /much/ easier t'get fitted right. Man. I don't reckon I ever had somethin' nice as this." The pair of pants in her hand is obviously too small, but the leather is buttery soft and the stitching fine. "Want 'em, Gabe?"

G'brion tries on and discards two pairs in quick succession that are too long. "Ooh, that's nice," he says, reaching for Taikrin's find and leaving the others heaped on the floor. He pulls the pants on and buttons them up. The leather /just/ drags on the ground - they're a hair too long, but otherwise a perfect fit. He beams happily. "Hey, check it out," he says, spinning around to show them off. "Not bad, huh? These are sweet, thanks Taikrin!" Looking over at X'en, he says, "It gets really cold when you're flying. Cloth pants don't block the wind or really keep you warm up there.

X'en ahs. "I see, makes sense, I guess." He says, and goes about trying on pants, eventually finding a pair that are jusst a bit short, but otherwise fit. "Right, right, got it." He says. "Scuse me fer not knowin', aint like I have alot of experience flyin' with a dragon." He says. "Balyeroth's excited about it though, sayss it'll be the best thing in the world."

"'Sides. Leather pants are hot." Taikrin wiggles into a pair that are perhaps a shade /too/ tight -- the buttons don't quite close -- then wriggles herself back out again. "See? Gabe's pants are hot. Shells-- I reckon most the pants in here're for guys. Don't matter when it's normal pants, but... /these/ gotta look good. Y'see any?"

G'brion wiggles his butt at Taikrin. "They are, aren't they? Think I'll pick up half a dozen new boyfriends? I bet G'stav and Z'karo's tongues will be hanging out when they see me in this," he says, snickering. He shrugs at X'en. "You'll learn quick enough. Everybody does."

X'en nods. "Aye, they do, ya both look good in yers." He remarks, and tries on a pair. "These ones look good." He says, peering down at the pants for a moment, before he strips them off again, to change back into the ones he came in here wearing. "Yeah yeah, I know, why they got them weyrlingmasters here, ta teach us how ta fly, and other stuff." He says.

Taikrin can't help but laugh, even as she's lacing up a pair of rough-cut -- but properly fitting -- pants. "You better put those back /right now/, then. 'Cause G'stav an' Z'karo chasin' after someone? Scary thought." She pauses then, with the second pair of pants still around her thighs. "Speakin' of chasin'... how d'you think it's gonna be? I mean-- Pterath, an' Szad, for example-- what d'you do if, like, y'ain't /interested/ that way?"

G'brion smirks at Taikrin. "You'd be interested, if he caught her," he says, and shrugs. "Just as long as the flight lasts. But yeah. There's really no way around it. I guess you could go hole up with someone you actually preferred to sleep with, and then if he caught, just - do that - but it would be really rude and mean, to leave the greenrider hanging like that." He pulls the pants back off, but instead of leaving them on the floor like the others, he folds them up and sets them on top of the jacket he put down, so he can put his regular pants back on.

"Oh, it ain't me I'm worried about," Taikrin says loftily, covering her previous concern with an airy smirk. "More like-- you gonna know where all th'proper bits go, when it comes down to it?" Another pair of pants -- this one faded black -- are shimmied into. They're worn, and also a bit loose, but they do go decently with the jacket. "There. Reckon I look like a rider, now?"

X'en snorts. "Yeaah, but I bet the first few flights will be awkward, I mean imagine if ya woke up next ta a greenrider who was like twice yer age." He remarks. "I think Tai's got more ta worry about then greenriders, can't browns catch golds too?" He asks them, and folds up the pants.

G'brion glares at Taikrin, affronted. "Yeah," he retorts, "I know where the proper bits go. Do you?" He folds up the pants he discarded in a half-assed way and puts them back on the shelf, then collects his keeper pants and jacket. "It's an honor to catch a gold, though," he says to X'en.

Taikrin leans back against the shelf, arms crossed, and strikes an 'arrogant dragonrider' pose. "Reckon I know more about it then you do," she shoots back towards G'brion, before arching an eyebrow at X'en. "Now, why would I be worried about that? Y'say it like it's a bad thing. I mean, yeah, Teris-- but she's hot enough, even if she's a bitch. An' Szad likes Iskiveth."

X'en snorts. "I know plenty of where everything goes." He remarks, and then shrugs. "Ya were the one all worried about whaat if yer not inta that kind of stuff, but I didna say it was a bad thing." He says. "Baly likes her too, but I'm still glad he canna fly her. Think I wouldna be that great at wrangling candidates, and all that."

"You do, huh?" G'brion just gives Taikrin a look, and takes his new clothes and starts to stalk out in a huff.

"Yeah, but Xeo--" There's genuine bafflement in the look Taikrin gives the blue weyrling, but rather than correct him she just shakes her head and starts shucking the leather gear off. "Yeah, I do G'brion, an' it ain't no call for you t'be actin' like a girl on her cycle 'bout it, neither," she calls sourly after the younger boy. "I got what, five turns on you?"

"Oh, right, I get it, yer inta girls." X'en says, putting two and two together as he gathers up his new clothes. He eyes Gabe though. "What crawled up hiss pants?" He asks after the boy. "Considerin' yer older, he shouldna be surprised, less he's got a thing fer yer or somethin'." He snerks, and will start out of the room as well.

"So?" Gabe retorts. "I'm not six. I've had sex before." He then sticks his tongue out at Taikrin and X'en, just to prove how mature he is.

"Ain't nobody sayin' y'ain't had sex a'fore. I reckon we /all/ know what's what after bein' in th'candidate barracks with you an' whats-his-name." The new leathers are set aside, and Taikrin shrugs into her own beat up pants once more. "Just sayin'. I bet I had plenty more sex with boys then you had with girls." One eyebrow raises suggestively. "I got /turns/ more experience on me. Reckon /I/ was havin' sex while you was still playin' dolls or whatever boys do."

G'brion hesitates, as though he'd been about to continue arguing but thought better of it. "I'm sure you have had more sex with boys than I've had with girls," he agrees. "That wouldn't be too hard."

Taikrin slings all her fancy new gear over one arm, then starts to walk after G'brion. "S'all I'm sayin'. Reckon we don't need t'get in a dick-wavin' contest 'bout the other way around." With her free hand, she reaches out to cuff his shoulder. "/Maybe/ y'could give me a run there. Maybe. If y'squint. An' I give you a head start."

G'brion laughs. "Why, how many girls have you had sex with?" he teases Taikrin as they head out of the cavern. "Bet that's not going in the letters you've been writing."

"Oh, ain't so big a number like it could be. Slim pickins, last few turns, y'know? Way easier t'find a guy t'scratch th'itch." Taikrin stumbles at mention of the letters, and there's a suspiciousness in her gaze despite the lightness in her voice. "What d'you know 'bout my letters, anyways?" A second later, as she thinks better of the question, she tags on, "My ma just had a baby, y'know. Got a brother."

G'brion puts up his hands. "Nothing! Nothing. None of my business. I just see you writing, in the barracks," he says. He smiles at the mention of the baby. "A brother! That's great, what's his name?"

gabrion, !weyrling, xeoshen

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