Studying for the midterms really take up much of my time right now so if anyone wants to talk to me, your best chance is probably to try to drag me out of my room. ^_^''
How to make a Sakura
5 parts intelligence
3 parts ambition
3 parts empathy
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little curiosity if desired!
Personality cocktailFrom You Are A Guilty Ex
You weren't the greatest to your ex, and you admit it.
And now your remorse is keeping you up at night...
While feeling a little remorse is good, your guilt is preventing you from moving on
What Type of Ex Are You? Your Seduction Style: The Charismatic
You're beyond seductive, you're downright magnetic!
You life live and approach seduction on a grand scale.
You have an inner self confidence and energy that most people lack
It's these talents that make you seem extraordinary - and you truly are!
What Is Your Seduction Style?