So trust me that I was amazed and elated that Obama was elected- I mean, I'm about as liberal as they come and I agreed with most of what he stood for. Plus I'm so happy that history was made and that we were finally as a country able to see past race.
Unfortunately, as a country we're still bigots and hypocrites.
Amendment 2 was passed. This is pathetic. There already exists legislation in place to make gay marriage in FL illegal but this now screws over commonlaw marriages, older couples living together, health care benefits and pentions for domestic partnerships,etc. There is NO reason that this should have even been up for grabs, and it makes me sick and livid that those creeps would put it under the heading of "protecting heterosexual marriage" as bait for the ill-informed conservative voter. And what really gets me, I mean what just totally blows my mind, is that some of the biggest supporters of this amendment were black men and women. Of all people to be sympathetic to discrimination and to want everyone to have the same freedoms as everyone else, you would think the black community would be the first to vote no. Now, i'm not saying anything bad about black people (not that anyone reads this anyway to get offended), because even though about 75% of black people were in favor of amendment 2, 65% of hispanics were, too. What is going on here?!?! It upsets us to see a bumper sticker reading "welcome to america, now speak english!" but we don't bat an eye when it comes to the collateral damage of ruining thousands of domestic partnerships in our aim to screw over homosexuals even more.
Read this article: Leonard Pitts And Arkansas banning gays from adopting passes 57-43%.
Gayness isn't contagious people, only hatred.
I'm too disgusted to even finish writing this entry.
screw you america. having a half black president doesn't trump your hatred for anything not straight, white or male.