I was surfing
Shadowlands Haunted Places Index- Wisconsin and was shocked to see an article mentioning my mother on there!
Beloit - McNeel Middle School - In the backroom of the stage where all of the costumes are kept and sometimes students gather to discuss or do homework during free time there is said to be a man who used to live on that spot where McNeel was built who haunts it. One of the worst experiences was when the Theatre teacher Ms. Franz was sleeping on the couch and when she awoke there was blood everywhere and students soon pointed out that she had an electricity plug stuck into the back of her head. The ghost also writes in the mirror hanging on the wall and slams the door. There's a chalkboard in the room on which 666 will be scratched and no one will be able to erase it and then a few days later disappear and then reappear. It's very quiet back there and there's always a dark feeling like you're not supposed to be in there. Ceiling tiles also fall down but only if someone had been standing there just seconds before. This has happened on many occasions.
I remember my mom telling me stories when I a little kid and used to play in there..picking out costumes and such..and it was always such a creepy place. I dont know about ceiling tiles, but there had been stage lights (i dont remember what they are called) that have fell for no reason and almost killed people. o_o Ah, I'm going to have to ask my mother about this. I do not remember any electric plug stories. o.o But it's all user-submitted so...I guess I will have to check with her and update later.