I hit my head on the way out of the bathroom hard enough to bleed slightly. So, after applying a bandaid, I think it's time to bitch about phone OSes
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Because I like having all that stuff on a thing i carry around with me. Plus phone cellular networks have pretty fast data networks attached to them. I like being able to browse the internet while I'm on a train, or waiting in the doctor's office.
if i'm carrying a purse I might as well carry around my laptop,my psp, my ds, my neogeo pocket color, my pog collection and the latest copy of the New York Post.
Fine, I give up. I don't understand all this electronics e-peen waving, having to have everything in one tiny thing with text so small you need a damned magnifying glass to read it.
I'll just be over here watching liver spots form on my hands.
this isn't about epeen waving, this is about having an opinion on a technical subject.
I really don't care what anyone buys, I just think Android as a phone OS has serious problems. It's not like I'm calling Android users baby killers or that iPhone owners are God's chosen people.
Cellular voice networks have more in common with WiFi than they do with land line telephone services. Voice is just another set of data. If I can get work outage notifications or directions to a gang bang on a little thing I have in my pocket, I want it to do that.
Don't try to sell me a phone that's also a million other things if the software sucks so bad i can't use any of it.
Fuck it, I'm just old. Don't mind me.
I'll just be over here watching liver spots form on my hands.
I really don't care what anyone buys, I just think Android as a phone OS has serious problems. It's not like I'm calling Android users baby killers or that iPhone owners are God's chosen people.
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