So I saw New Moon.
I'm sorry to say but if you're hardcore enough of a twilight fan to be offended by spoilers, then you've probably read the novel. I haven't read it, but it's not my thing to read.
New Moon was *remarkably* better than Twilight.
That being said though, the issues of relationships within the series are still there, and it's even more prominent.
The story telling got *much* better. All of the characters who aren't the focus of the main love story are actually decent. Charlie was as good as he was last year, the High school clique, well, I wish they made the movie about *them* instead of the Yiffmonster and the otherkin-popsicle. The Cullens? Even better. Particularly now that Jasper's showing *real* emotions. Maybe when he lies, his nose doesn't grow either. As a unit, they all seemed warm and loving... Except Cedric Diggory. Carlisle is just a great character to watch on screen. They introduce a sect of Vampire aristocracy, the Volturi, who aren't bad characters and Dakota Fanning does a great job of being evil and sadistic. The plot comes in early on in the story and it's not the fight between vampires and werewolves, it's the love story between Edward and Bella. The action comes somewhere in the middle and it's fun to watch large scary monsters beat up superhuman undead people. The film did a great job explaining in the span of 5 minutes what the hell depression does to a person, even if *why* that person is depressed isn't very well developed in the narrative.
There's still problems. Namely, popsicle man. He felt like he was playing Mr. Emo a little too hard. He's also the first person to ever make a face in real life, or something approximating that on screen, that looked like the Yaranai Ka? guy. But that's neither good nor bad.
Further more, Jacob is a fucking train wreck after his transformation into a werewolf. He goes from being this nice guy to someone with a clingy asshole with a serious anger management problem and a hatred of shirts, but then again, being a werewolf seems to mean having an aversion to shirts, and anger management problems.
But this brings us to the complete weakness and stupidity that is the Twilight series. The movie doesn't do a great job explaining why Bella loves Edward, at all. There's an attraction there, but nothing that denotes a deep sense of chemistry or devotion. Just, OMG YOU'RE TASTY! OMG! YOU'RE PRETTY! LET'S MAKE DHAMPIR BABIES(after Marriage, of course). There's no larger exploration of their relationship. It kind of infuriates me because it's setting pretty bad examples of what a relationship even *is* and what it's about.
Speaking of things that infuriate me about this movie, it's the decision of who to go with with Bella. Bella seems to be a magnet for weirdos with severe personality disorders. First Edward, then Jacob, then the creepo who asks her out to the movie. Her choice seems to be an emotionally unstable heterosexual Adam Lambert or a Chris Brown with a fursuit and no idea what "restraining order" means. Excuse me? What about all the other guys around her? What about the other werewolves? Why are her choices so ... awful? They're hot alright but what about further depth of who these people even are? It's infuriating. It's setting bad examples for the teens who go see this movie.
Which brings me to my final major complaint. The Jonas brothers effect. When I got to the theatre waiting for
angulique to show up, some girl was walking away holding her head jittery and crazed over Taylor Lautner. The audience lost it when they saw the trailer for some flick staring James Bond and Good Humor Man. Are they intentionally selling sexual thrills in the guise of a teen friendly movie? Is this highschool girl porn in disguise of a Mormon fairy tale? It sure feels like it. It's kind of creepy and disgusting that Stephanie Meyer would intentionally do this.
I'll end it on just a minor annoyance. Mary sues. It's been largely regarded that the Twilight series has a huge Mary Sue. I disagree. The Mary Sue is largely a side character, and that's Alice Cullen. Pretty, smart, powerful, strong, and can see the future. She's flawless as a character and everyone likes her. The movie attempts to portray Bella as "flawed" in the sense that she's emotionally fragile like a cheap glass figurine. It goes over board but that disqualifies Bella as a out right Mary Sue. she's out of the way, sure, but she's Deus Ex Machina. Shows up at the right time, and gets Bella to the solution. It's annoying. There are already a number of game breakers with the story already, this would be on like, page 5 next to, "Is Rpattz's hair's carbon footprint to large?"(Hint: Yes).
Don't see it. It's porn for the easily amused. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to wash my brain out with bleach.