Nov 02, 2008 13:07
More! Saw 'Quantum of Solace' yesterday. Not very good.
UK cinemas are funny. The seats are very thin and connected to each other in such a way, that you can feel anybody down the entire row moving. So when someone on the end of the row bumps their head on the headrest, YOU WILL FEEL IT TOO. I constantly felt like someone was kicking the back of my seat, but there wasn't anyone there. It was purely movement from people sitting next to me!
Also, they feel the need to show a mini ad that actually asks people to be quiet during the show. And it's true, people do talk a LOT more during a movie that in Australia. Why do people bring toddlers to a Bond movie?? Bloody irritating.
As per usual, cinema food is atrociously overpriced. Get a combo for over 6 pounds... that's at least 15 bucks for a combo. No way! Ridiculous.
I haven't seen a proper stop sign (stationary wheels for 3 seconds no matter what) here yet. Must pay more attention.
Apparently a lot of houses have problems with damp and mould, and there are lots of 'grit' boxes scattered around the place, when there's ice on the road.
More strange things to come...