Well, two bits of good news.
Firstly, it seems Pandora are continuing to broadcast in the UK after the blackout (which has already happened), because the UK's licensing laws are apparently reasonable enough that they feel they can get away with it. Which is a relief to those of us who don't want it to die.
Secondly, the
Internet Radio Equality Bill has been put before congress. This basically says that ramping royalties up by 400% is retarded, and will not only destroy internet radio but lose the people getting the royalties a lot of money. So, they're taking the stupid bits out of the rulings, which is good. But, those of you who are in the States now have to go tell your senator that you support the bill, and it's good, and all that stuff. So,
go help!
Those of you who don't live in the States, sorry to pester you again. But go tell all yer friends! ^^