Yoinked from Jareth_GK

Aug 29, 2007 11:32

Anwer the MEME!!! It compels you ( Read more... )

getting a cold. grrr....

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jareth_gk August 29 2007, 19:06:18 UTC
1. Name: Jeremy M.
2. Birthday: 3/28
3. Place of residence: Tempe (phoenix), Arizona
4. What makes you happy: SEX!!! uhm... and good friends... and role playing games... and anime (often with sex in it)... and comics... and MMO games... and many stuffs...
5. What are you listening to now/have listened to last: Been listening to some Eminem that Sarah lent to me at this point in my car
6. Do you read my LJ: Yep! (narly old stalker aren't I?)
7. If you do, what is particularly good/bad about it: You vent with great finesse, and yet not with great frequency. This marks good things about you I think.
8. An interesting fact about you: I am half deaf.
9. Are you in love/have a crush at the moment: Yes. I call her Sarah.
10. Favourite place to be: Hanging out with my friends. Where ever they may be. Steve's place, Sarah's place, Your place (which I haven't done in a long time), Eli's place... etc.
11. Favourite lyric: the whole thing of Far Away by Nickelback.
12. Best time of the year: Fall mostly, but anything not summer is pretty good.
13. Weirdest food you like: Ramen! Especially when it is traditionally made, and fresh!
14. Do farts make you laugh: Often.

1. A film: Full Metal Alchemist.
2. A book: The new Harry Potter book
3. A band, a song and an album: Eminem, The Eminem Show, Song to Halley

1. One thing you like about me: Well, your cute... and your very straightforward. I really dig blunt honesty. The red hair is a big plus.
2. Two things you like about yourself: I am honest to a fault, and I do my best to be there for the people I care about.
3. Put this in your LJ so I can tell you what I think of you.
already there...

x Jeremy M.


taigan27 August 30 2007, 23:18:17 UTC
Sarah, huh? Must know more. What about that other chick you were seeing? Are things over with you two? Because they didn't sound so good in your last post....


jareth_gk August 31 2007, 19:03:35 UTC
I was dating Anji. With her moving out, and things in her life taking over we had gotten more distant. Also with things that would pick up in my life due to going to school it was making it harder as well.

We kinda grew apart, and each went our own direction. Yet we were not quite willing to admit it. Eventually I decided we should break up and just be friends at best. It was kinda obvious how things were going, and there was no need to let it fester to a point where we would hate each other.

However it would seem fate would have a different plan for me. I knew Sarah from a long time ago. She was a previous girlfriend from a long time ago. My old flame, if you will. We started visiting with each other a lot, and eventually decided that what we had in the past really wasn't done. So we decided to be dating and a couple and all that. Step at a time and all that. So at this point I am visiting with and/or dating her. We shall see how it goes in time.

So that is the short story of it all. :)

x Jeremy M.


taigan27 August 31 2007, 21:13:43 UTC
Is she the one girl you told me about that one time? The one with the husband, that wasn't happy? Or was that someone else?


jareth_gk August 31 2007, 22:21:09 UTC
Uhm... If I talked about her, then it would have been about a long time ago. Sarah and I have been out of touch for about 10 years. Never talked to her till about 2-3 weeks ago.

You may be thinking of Sheri. She is still married, and I never really believed she was serious about me anyways. I was a sexual curiousity to her as we had some "unfinished" past in a way. Not sure I would have ever been much more to her than that. Yet at any rate, her husband straightened out and did some very good things that has given her *alot* more faith in her relationship with him again. She has no desire to end it anymore. Much I think is to the better for her.

So hopefully that explains it a bit better.

Sarah was my second girlfriend that I ever had. We met about 10-15 years ago when I was going to Glendale Community College. We dated rather seriously for about 6 months back then. Then I made a bone head decision and decided to date a more pretty (and more petty) girl instead that was trying to "conquer" me. After I was used and then let go... I tried to go back to sarah, but she had decided to go with a previous boyfriend of hers. Got married to him and had a kid. Had alot of issues that lasted about a couple of years, and then had a divorce. Has more or less been single since, and during that time she had dissappeared from my life. Least till now...

x Jeremy M.


taigan27 September 18 2007, 04:49:38 UTC
Well, looks like things are looking up for you in that department. Funny how life has a way of throwing people back at you who were maybe meant to be there in the first place.


jareth_gk September 18 2007, 20:45:55 UTC
I think this is very much the case. Yet as always... I am a cautious person. So far very happy, but got kicked a bit to hard in the heart to truly be sure anymore. One day at a time.

x Jeremy M.


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