Nov 02, 2010 11:51
even though i've only moved one block closer downtown, the trash comes at a much earlier time. much, much earlier. on Nichols Street sometimes the trash doesn't come until ten or eleven in the morning. here the truck wakes me up at six-thirty (even though it's around the corner. it sort of works like a five minute warning.) i really need to get into the habit of getting the trash out Monday nights! instead of Tuesday mornings!
the kids have no school today. they call it a 'teacher workshop day' but i think it has something to do with Election Day. when i was a kid, they had the polls in the school cafateria. and because of this we ate sandwich bag lunches shipped in from the highschool. but whatevs. i'll take the little one with me and let the big one stay at the house.
i'm hungry but whenever i think about eating it makes me feel sick.