(no subject)

Jul 26, 2010 12:18

i got the idea from ravensgurl211. go to Google and search for "you know you're from (homestate) when...". then copypasta and explain. and bold the ones that apply to you.

i have a combo of "Boston", "Massachusetts", and "New England". no, i do not live in Boston, but i can take a train there, so it's good enough!

You think of Philadelphia as the Midwest. (no, but Pittsburgh is though!)

You think there are only 25 letters in the alphabet (no R's). (i don't talk like this)

You think three straight days of 90+ temperatures is a heatwave. (um, because it IS?)

All your pets are named after Celtics or Bruins.

You refer to 6 inches of snow as a "dusting."

Just hearing the words "New York" puts you in an angry mood.

You don't think you have an attitude.

You always 'bang a left' as soon as the light turns green, and oncoming traffic always expects it. (if you don't, you'll be stuck in the intersection for another light cycle)

You don't realize that you walk and talk twice as fast as everyone else.

You're anal, neurotic, pessimistic and stubborn. (well, stubbourn at least)

You think if someone is nice to you, they must want something or are from out of town.

Your favorite adjective is "wicked."

You think 63 degree ocean water is warm. (because it is?)

You think the Kennedy's are misunderstood.

The Red Sox World Series win was, and will always be, one of the greatest moments in your life.

The guy driving in front of you is going 70 mph and you're swearing at him for going too slow.

You went to Canobie Lake Park or Water Country as a kid (or both! as an adult!)

You actually enjoy driving around rotaries.

Your social security number starts with a 0.

You can actually find your way around Boston. (as long as it's near a T station)

You know what a "regular" coffee is.

You keep an ice scraper in your car year-round. (you just forget to take it out for the two months you don't need it)

You can tell the difference between a Revere accent and a Dorchester accent.

You know how to pronounce the names of towns like Worcester, Billerica, Gloucester, and Haverhill. (and you can't!)

Paranoia sets in if you can't see a Dunkin Donuts or CVS within eyeshot at all times. (there needs to be a Dunkies. Starbucks is sacrilidge!)

You have driven to New Hampshire on a Sunday just to buy alcohol. (before a decade ago, the Blue Laws prevented sale of booze on Sunday. now you can't buy it before Noon. but you still buy in NH because it's cheaper, and they have liquor stores on the highway, with their own exits!)

You know there's a trophy at the end of the Bean Pot. (it's the hockey tournament for the Boston area colleges)

You order iced coffee in January

You know that the Purple Line will take you anywhere (it's the Commuter Rail, and not really)

You love scorpion bowls.

You know what they sell at a Packie. (Packie is short for Package Store)

You know what First Night is. (should technically be called 'Last Night")

You know at least one guy named Sean, Pat, Whitey, Red, Bud or Seamus.

McLobster? McCrap! (mcpuke)

Sure there are 6 New England states, but Connecticut really doesn't count. (it's metro NYC)

You know holding onto the railing when riding the Green Line is not optional (BS, you have to hold on, or the learching corners on the 100 year old track will send you to the floor. and you do not want to be on the floor... ew)

You think the rest of the country owes you for Thanksgiving and Independence Day. (because you do!)

You own a "Yankees Suck" shirt or hat.

You know what a Frappe is. (like a milkshake)

You've been to Hempfest.

You can complete the following: "Lynn, Lynn..." (it's the city of sin; you never come out the way you went in)

You get pissed off when a restaurant serves clam chowder, and it turns out to be friggin' Snows. (Snow's is in a can, dammit!)

You actually know how to merge from six lanes of traffic down to one. (always a backup)

The TV weatherman is damn good if he's right 25% of the time. (the weather is notorious for being really fucked up)

You never go to "Cape Cod," you go "down the Cape".

You know who Whitey Bulger is. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitey_Bulger

You went to the Swan Boats, House of Seven Gables, or Plymouth Plantation on a field trip in elementary school (also Old Sturbridge Village and Plum Island)

You can drive to the mountains and the ocean all in one day

You know that the Mass Pike and 496 are strange weather dividing lines.

The Big Dig tunnel disaster wasn't really that much of a surprise.

4:15pm and pitch black out means there's just 3 more shopping days until Christmas

You know more than one person with the last name Murphy

You refer to Savin Hill as "Stab 'n Kill." (lol!)

11pm? Drunk? It means one thing: Kowloon!

2am? Drunk? It means one thing: Kelly's Roast Beef!

5am? Drunk? It means one thing: You wish you had a blanket in your back seat

You know that P-Town isn't the name of a new rap group. (it's where the fags live!)

People you don't like are all "Bastids."

You've called something "wicked pissa."

You've slammed on your brakes to deter a tailgater

No, you don't trust the Gorton's Fisherman. (you know he's based on a statue in Glaucester)

You know that Papa Gino's usually has a jukebox.

You think Aerosmith is the greatest rock band of all time (actually from NH)

Your town has at least 6 sub shops, and none of them are a Subway. (and they're all 10000x better anyway)

You know at least three Tony's, one Vinnie and a Frankie. (obvs i don't know enough white people)

20 degrees isn't that bad as long as there's no wind. (yes!!!!)

You know what the Combat Zone is. (though it's cleaned up, pretty much)

You drive 45 minutes to New Hampshire to save $5 in sales tax. (actually, i drive five minutes)

You've bragged about the money you've saved at The Christmas Tree Shop (and at Building 19)

You've been to Hampton Beach on a Saturday night. (wend too, fireworks!)

You remember Jordan Marsh, Grants, Bradlees, Caldor, Zayres, or Ann & Hope. (epic stores replaced by the evil Walmart)

You could own a small town in Iowa for the cost of your house

If you stay on the same road long enough it eventually has three different names

You call chocolate sprinkles "jimmies"

A water fountain is called a bubbler. Say it "bubbla".

Saint Patrick's Day is your second favorite holiday

Khakis are something you start the car with (cah keys, get it?)

You think crosswalks are for wimps

You think it's not actually tailgating unless your bumper is touching the car in front of you

A Crown Victoria = Undercover Cop

Anything past Worcester is "the middle of nowhere"

You believe using a turn signal gives away your plan to the enemy

All the potholes just add excitement to your driving experience

You often switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day and back again.

You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit. (it's usually cold as fuck the nights in late oct)

Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow.

if you have ever gone sledding off your roof.

if you think "barbecue" is a verb meaning to cook outside.

if you have ever driven 70mph....within 6" of the guy in front of you....in a blizzard (and i get pissed when other people can't)

if you learned to ski and ice skate before you learned to walk.

if you get a foot of snow, and still have to go to school. (curses~!)

if you own a snowblower....and have broken it after four blizzards. (well, my dad's did)

if you have ever shoveled after a snowstorm and found a car.

if you're not afraid to drive on a pond in the winter. (this is BS unless you live waaayyy up Maine)

if you don't consider "guys" to be gender specific. (because it's not!)

if you think "goose bumps" at the beach are normal.

if you freak out when someone talks to you on the subway.

you’ve worn shorts and a parka at the same time. (summer mornings while camping!)

you know that the things you need to start a campfire are matches, newspaper, tinder, sticks, fuel logs, and spent motor oil.

if you know that its not really "Six Flags New England" but "Riverside Park".

you know what “Shaw’s” is. (grocery store)

you have switched from “heat” to “A/C” in the same day and back again. (in the car you do)

you drink soda and pop someone in the face.

you carry jumpers in your car and your wife knows how to use them.

your town or a neighboring one has a rotary/circle/roundabout. (mine has several)

someone says “Patriot” and you immediately think of the football Team.

there is a town green in the middle of your town.

you refuse anything but real maple syrup. (the fake shit is substandard, once you've had the real thing)

you regularly drive on roads that are as narrow and windy as a deer trail.

you get mad when people assume New York is part of New England. (OMG YES!)

you know what the Big E is (Eastern States Expo, every fall in Springfield) (which you recall, is the middle of nowhere)

survey thingies

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