(no subject)

Jul 30, 2009 12:28

Carol gave me the letter "J" (almost a month ago, lol). the point of this is to pick ten things which begin with the letter, that remotely have to do with your life. these are the ten i have chosen:

Jeff Hardy
Jimmy Jacobs
Joey Eastman
Johnny Cash

the explinations are right here:

Jeff Hardy:

Surprised i started with him instead of Jimmy Jacobs? the thing is, if it wasn't for Jeff, i would have no idea who Jimmy is. or even be into wrestling as much as i am. see, i was flipping channels one night in 2001, watching the free cable that came with the cheap motel room we were living in at the time (we = David, my oldest [who was a baby] and myself). Jeff and I had the same red and purple hair. and he was cute. still is really. but anyway, i never thought wrestling was stupid or whatever before, i just hadn't had much oppertunity to watch it. and now, i did.

couple years later, and Jeff gets fired or quits or whatnot, i was already into wrestling enough to not just stop watching. at that point i was on the Internet on a regular basis. story comes through that Jeff is doing a show in this ROH promotion. that sent me into downloading and watching and i was blown away, because i thought it was a million times better than anything on TV.

Jeff's match was a fucking disaster, but it didn't matter. i was an indy geek, and nothing has stopped me since.


Jimmy Jacobs:

Picking up where i left off, i was just starting into my indy geekdom in 2003, 2004ish. looking over pictures for past shows, i noticed this fucking tiny, adorable, dark-haired boy with furry boots and HUSS written across his ass. i didn't know who he was at first, until i got my first copy of the PWI500. reading though the entries (i think he was in the 400's) i read about one kid with furry boots and HUSS, saw his name was Jimmy Jacobs. now i had a name to go with the face.

well, long story short, i'm amazed how awesome he is now, and how huge he's gotten, and how over he is. for a tiny, goofy kid (that's not a spot monkey) from Minnie-soda MICHIGAN (lol thx saraH, what great stalker am i?) he's done so so so well for himself. i'm oddly proud, even if i feel stalkery about it. he'll always be my favourite, no matter what he does with his hair. it's gone beyond adorableness, into where he's amazing and puts on awesome matches that make you feel something. and in the end, that means more to me than any title belt.


Joey Eastman:

One picture does no justice. he is a manager, ring announcer, commentator, sometimes he pretends to wrestle, he's put on some awesomely funny and goofy shows (TTW [youtubage], funny fucking stuff). super underrated. all around awesome dude. apparently i'm the only one on LJ with Joey Eastman as an intrest and this is very sad indeed. i can't possibly put him over enough.



no pictures for this one. jobbers are awesome. the future of wrestling. the ones that make the top stars look good. the underrated workhorses of the business. and some of the best wrestlers. indy stars get their television time by jobbing. i love jobbers. underdogs are far more interesting than the ones that always win.


now for some not wrestling things...


not to sound like Oscar the Grouch, but i love junk. yard sales, junk shops, thrift stores, antiques, dollar stores... love them. if i see something pretty and shiny on the sidewalk, i grab it. it boarderlines on hoarding probably, but i love small things, so it doesn't seem to take up that much room.

junk i collect: Eeyore things, butterflies, dragonflies, assorted cute bugs, fairies, little porcelin boxes, small stuffed animals, sometimes large stuffed animals, anything strange or weird, pretty rocks, Hello Kitty/Sanrio stuff, ugly plates, et cetera.

i actually went through and donated some of my junk the other day. it felt good, like cleansing. so maybe i'm not a hoarder afterall.



i had no idea he was 15.

KIDDING. 18+ only. i wouldn't like being a registered sex offender.



like the bastard child of cough syrup and licorish. mmmmmmm. the only alcohol i like (aside from schnapps and cheap vodka). if i'm going to drink like i mean it, this is my poison.


Johnny Cash:

the only country music i will put up with. his songs are like little stories, sometimes funny and often dark. i really can't say anything that isn't already known. and remember, i'm a heavy metal chick.



okay, i have to admit this one was a stretch. i've tried this gimmick in my e-fed days and it never quite took off. it was supposed to be epic... promos about cleaning up the trash in the fed, a working-class hero babyface character, hardcore matches featuring mops and buckets and spray chemicals and tools and of course lighttubes.

some fat deathmatcher should be able to pull that off. voulenteers?



NOT THE BAND!! christ i hate these guys. i have "Don't Stop Believing" stuck in my head now. i might just hang myself. and why do i know all these songs if i have never voulentarily listened to them? it's like it's been implated in my brain.

pardon the digression.

i mean the journey of knowledge. the journey of learning. i love it, i love finding out new things, i love discovering, i love challenging what i think is right, i love gathering information from all sides, i love thinking for myself, and i love being able to kick ass in any trivia game ever. Jeopardy, here i come!

brain droppings, wrestling, survey thingies, el jay

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