Oct 10, 2008 15:02
so i don't have that much to update about. other than like one thing. which will be the first item on the long and random list i'm about to embark apon making.
- i have my appointment for my 'parenting evaluation'. the first appointment. the first of three or four appointments, plus one appointment with the kids. so that's 4 or 5 times i have to go. to Waltham. which is an hour plus away. that my dad has to drive. well he could stay at the house while i went but he'll prolly go. not like, go to the appointment with me, but go for the ride.
- i finally have a license again. renewed. i made out the application to change the address... and it came otu with my old address. i have a paper one, the real one will come in the mail.
- i bought glue on nails because i could. dark blue. some od the mails have this star-and-swily gold detail. i've been looking at the little girl fake nails, because the smallest nails are still a tad too big for my pinkies. the biggest nail can fit on my big toe. and i never get enogh of the middle sizes it seems. they're all too big. the little girlnails don't come in black and skulls and such SIGH.
- i've been contemplating starting a community just for me to post semi-regular wrestling related random bullshit. it would also be a good place to put my wrestling fashion column. OH OH OH YOU GUYS! i still need a name for it. i've drawn a blank. PLEASE YOU CREATIVE AND WONDERFUL PEOPLE PITCH ME SOME IDEAS FOR MY CRAPPY LITTLE WRESTLING FASHION AND GROOMING COLUMN!!
that is all.
brain droppings,
el jay