(no subject)

May 23, 2008 09:59

copied and pasted just for ravensgurl211

Current TNA referee and former WWE referee Earl Hebner was interviewed by the Miami Herald this morning and had the following to say:

"Now that I'm not with WWE, and I'm with TNA, I get more opportunities to come to independent shows and have fun. I'm more relaxed now. Once WWE went public, it was run like a prison camp."

"Right now it's just refereeing, but I think it's going to get around to doing other things. I like training the young refs, make good refs, because there's not many of them around. When I went to TNA, I told them I didn't want to take anybodies job. I was there to help them. I want to help that company so much because they're growing good, and I just want Vince McMahon to know there's other promoters in this wrestling business besides himself.''

"I would never go back to WWE, but if that's what he wants. The reason I wouldn't go back to WWE is because I wouldn't be happy there. Even though it is more money than TNA pays me, TNA makes me happier. It's not a money factor for me now. It's being happy doing what you're doing and enjoying it.''

To read the full interview by JIM VARSALLONE, go to MiamiHerald.com


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