so, i went camping. this is a very disorginized and not in any paticular order.
- a few daysbefore we left, i was on the comp and the kid was standing around my sewing stuff. i hear a snip snip snip. i look over and little one has a handful of hair in one hand and scissors in the other hand. he chopped off a good portion of hair off the side of his head. the next day my dad was going to the barber's and little one went to get the rest of his hair evened off. so now he has short boy hair. i miss his longish girl hair, but at least he won;t be called a girl anymore. and he actually was quiet, cooperative, and calm in the barber's chair!! the last time he went for a haircut he freaked the fuck out and i had to literally hold him down.
- mom and i went to play BINGO BEANO i think it was Wend night. like real old lady bingo with cash prizes. there was a minimum of six cards so my eyes were glazed over trying to keep up (with my nominal numerical skillz, yo). mom helped me keep up (and managed to do her twelve cards!). the guy calling the numbers, his mic started messing up a few rounds in. pop of the night went to the buy with the big loud voice that came in to call the numbers while batteries for the mic were being found. i didn;t win anything, which brings my lifetime BINGO average to 0-0-147.
- little one discovered with great delight that this year he can touch the bottom of the pool! though it took come coaxing to get him to even try. it took me dragging him in and telling him to put his feet down. he then demanded that i bring him back to the stairs... then he came in on his own. he's paticular like that, needing to do things on his own. i'm surprised he remembered last year, when the water was "too big" for him. he was three then. he is four now (duh). big one is still far too spazzy and uncoordinated to even attempt to swim, though i did get him to dunk his head under whilst holding his nose, holding his breath, and closing his eyes.
- s'mores made with cinnimon grahm crackers are not as good as the ones made with regular ones. and my mom kept throwing away the sticks we picked out for marshmallow roasting. so we had to find new ones every night.
- my parents offered to buy me some alcohol (yay!) so i picked out a bottle of Jagermeister (mmmm!) but they wouldn;t take my license at the store because it's expired. this happened to me in NH before. it's like look, it's still me. here's my social security card. see, it's the same as my license. and look, here, let me sign somthing. look how the signature matches! i know i look a little different in the pic since i grew my bangs out a few years ago, but the glasses and double chin and rosy cheeks and little nose are the same. see how it says i was born in 1979? I'M TWNETY EIGHT YEARS OLD GIVE ME MY DAMN ALCOHOL PLZ!! but noooo, i must be lying about my age. pisses me off. then they wouldn;t sell it to my dad because he's be buying alcohol for someone who is of age but doesn't have a still valid license. it felt like i was doing something illegal and i was going to get arrested or something. trust me, all my illegal activities are smoked, k? the next day my dad ran in, pointed out what i wanted to my mother, then she bought it... just in case the same cashier saw the same guy trying to buy the same bottle of liquor for the same of-age girl with an expired license. just.... fuck man.
- my parents argue way too much. and when i call them on it, they claim to not have argued at all. i'm tape recording these people to show them. maybe that's how they've been married twenty-nine years, because they don't remember fighting all the damn time!
- it rained. see, last year it rained every fucking day. this year it only rained three days in a row. when it wasn't raining though, it was quite humid. not hot, thank goodness, but very humid. my hair was a bitch to brush, all my books got curly around the edges, and everything was damp.
- thursday night was this "Great American Game Show" gimmick. basically a live game show with people picked from a hat (that had previously signed up to be chosen). little one was very upset about not being able to sign up, but he doesn't know anything (and besides, no one can understand what he's saying anyway). big kid signed up though, my mom and dad and me. mom was actually called, and she froze. finally we managed to get her up there and she actually answered something right. but the other team had more points so her team went back to sit down. there were basic trivia questions and pop culture questions and interspursed were these "gags". think "physical challange". one was funny; a basketball hoop with a ball attached by a string. this contraption was attached to the waist, the point of this game was for the person to gyrate his hips to get the ball into the hoop. hillarity ensued. good times were had all around until the kids got way too squirmy and whiny around the final round, so we left early.
- went to a couple fabric/quilting stores with mom, and i got a bit of fabric to throw in with my scraps. they will eventually be assimulated into a scrappy quilty thing. other things that i wanted that my mommy and daddy paid for: this squishy ball filled with squishy skulls, a necklace with the pendant being a beetle encased in plastic, a big book about dream studies, and most likely a couple other things that i'm forgetting about.
- went to this zoo, starring animals native to Maine. the animals there were all either injured, raised by man, or otherwise not suitable to be re-released into the wild. the sign said "we have no intrest in keeping perfectly healthy wild animals locked in cages". ther we saw a moose couple. they're huge fucking animals. we keep trying to see them in the wild but never have. there were also bobcats and mountain lions and deer and birds and skunks and other common woodland creatures. i finally learned the difference between a crow and a raven!
- my kids don't listen. at all. i mean they were good for the most part... but damn. everything we asked of them was not done. simple things like "don't touch grampy's tools" and "stop fighting all the time" and "leave that alone" and "don't fight nesr the fire" and "don't take off your shoes" and "no splashing" etc etc etc etc etc. good gravy marie. and my parents are no better. i'm never going on vacation with these people again. i swear. it was an okay time in general, but damn i was miserable. the kids were bratty and my parents were bitchy and i was just pulled in the middle. guh.
- speaking of bathouses... here's
the site for the campground we went to. here's
the discription of the site we were on. don't let that drawing fool you, the bathroom is quite smaller. especially the shower. very small. especially for a fat girl! i had trouble washing my hair because my elbows kept hitting the wall. and there was no room to bed over to, uh, rinse my naughty bits. but there's a bathouse, and the showers there were much roomier.
fuck, what a long entery.