Cough 069 - [Video]

Dec 12, 2011 04:21

[Your friendly neighborhood Ukitake strikes again! He's sitting at his desk today with a blanket draped over his shoulders as he periodically sips some tea.]

Good morning, Adstringendum! I hope everyone has recovered from last week and isn't too embarrassed by learning things you might not have wanted to know. Or if you found a way to get a laugh out of all of it, that is good, too.

There have been quite a few new arrivals and I, regrettably, haven't been able to get to all of you.

[His lungs are still recovering, but he's well on the mend! Tea is his forever cure-all.]

So I, Ukitake Jyuushirou, welcome you to Adstringendum. It doesn't necessarily look like a comfortable place to live, and I will be honest in saying that it is a struggle to get by at times, but by teaming together, we manage to pull through just fine. Even so, because it is winter and the Animus have been known to throw crazy weather our way, I urge you to stock up and prepare for the colder temperatures as best as you can. Take care of yourselves! And do not hesitate to ask for help from those who can spare it.

[And tea sip.]

Mn! Also, everyone, do not forget to vote for the ombudsman position today. Your voice is important to be heard so that the winner reflects the wishes of everyone here.

So yes, be safe, be prepared, and vote! And if you have any questions about anything, you may always ask me and I will try my best to answer them.

[Another tea sip and he turns off the PCD.]

voting is a civic duty, keep calm and carry on, sneaky uki is sneaky, save me tea, being captainy again, be careful kiddos, ukitake jyuushirou, daddy shirou!

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