[Have Ukitake.
Have Ukitake who is very unhappy. Don't let his
pretty pretty wings give you the wrong impression.]
I will not condemn the killings and general chaos that has been happening this week as that will do no good now. Instead, I suggest, though it should be common sense by now, that everyone stay inside if you feel you cannot protect yourself. And even if you can, do not let your confidence take control. There is a time for risks, and there is a time for caution. There is nothing wrong with asking for a walking buddy if you must go out.
I will even offer myself to act as such if anyone wishes.
Take care and keep your eyes open.
[Private//Unhackable to Jr./Albedo]
I know you are grieving, Albedo-san. That doesn't mean you have to lose yourself in this madness.
[ooc: No, Ukitake is not female again. Those wings on the fairy are just really pretty.]