Title: Matchmaking (and how suju failed at it)
Rating: T
Summary: They didn’t know how it had happened, but somehow, over the five years that they’d been together as friends, they’d all begun pairing up. All except for them.
They didn’t know how it had happened, but somehow, over the five years that they’d been together as friends, they’d all begun pairing up. Kangin and Eeteuks subtle and caring relationship. The indescribable give and take romance between Heechul and Hangkyung, with the younger being the ‘give’ and Heechul being the ‘take’. The sweet understanding between Yesung and Ryeowook. The surprising development between Shindong and his newly christened fiance. The hesitant liaison between the god-loving Siwon and Kibum who was almost never there. The irrepressible Eunhae pairing. Even the Super Junior M’s members had paired up and the tall Zhou Mi had taken the adorable Henry under his wing.
All that was left was Kyuhyun and Sungmin, but they weren’t together. They were just roommates. And as far as they were concerned, that’s all they’d ever be.
“He likes pink too much."
“He games too much.”
“I’m straight.”
“I like Minah.”
“He’s too much of a perfectionist.”
“He’s too snarky.”
“He’s just a Hyung.”
“He’s just one of my dongsaengs.”
And so the list went on and on, the list of why exactly they aren’t and will never be a couple like any of the others. Not that any of the others paid any attention to these ramblings of theirs. And among all of them, it was Heechul who was the most determined to see the couple together.
“Why are you so focused on them, Chullie?” Hangkyung asked him once when the temperamental redhead had ranted on the phone about the two who just wouldn’t get up and make out already.
“They love each other!” Heechul insisted. “They just don’t realize it!”
The other was hesitant. “If you say so, Hyung.” he had to agree, otherwise, he wouldn’t be getting any tonight.
A/N: this is just one of those other things i found in my big collection of fics i never really finished,