Think About It Halloween Party: Costumes From Carl's!

Oct 29, 2006 17:48

So Carl had his annual Halloween Party last night, and as usual, there were a few dandy costumes to be had. (For those of you who showed up WITHOUT a costume -- shame on you!) So for today's Halloween Party feature, I thought I'd share a few of the choice costumes with you guys. First up, I'll show you how I ended up... and yes, as promised, I showed my Geek Cred. Ladies and Gentlemen... HELLBLAKE!

Next up, my brother as a Jeopardy Contestant and sis-in-law as a golddigger. (You can tell Chip selected his contestant's name all by himself.)

Heather and Will brought the SCARIEST PUMPKIN EVER!!!

Aunt Mona was "Burned Out." Uncle Joe was "Creepy as Hell."

And finally, Carl was Captain Obvious, and Tammy was wishing she was somewhere else.

More costumes next year, gang! And everybody... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

hellboy, family, halloween, halloween party

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