Announcing the 2006 Think About It Central Halloween Party

Oct 01, 2006 14:33

It’s been really busy lately, guys. After the play, I got my butt into gear to do my job producing the next Thibodaux Playhouse production, Murder Most Fouled Up (directed by my old friend and agent, Ronée). The show opens Friday and it’s going to be great - follow the link to the TPH website to find out how to get tickets. Once that wraps up, though… well, I’ll still be busy. I never realized, as a student, that teachers have about 50 times as much homework as the kids they teach. But that doesn’t mean I want to neglect my duties to my Highly Educated Readers. To that end, I’ve got not one, but three projects in the works, and for two of them, I want your help.

First, I’ll tell you about the one I’m doing by myself. Longtime readers will remember last November when, for the first time, I took part in National Novel Writing Month, resulting in my short Christmas novel, A Long November. Well, I’m doing NaNoWriMo again this year, guys, and I’m planning a bizarre little mystery yarn. I’ll tell you more when we get closer.

But that’s not what I’m here to ask for help for, not by a long shot. Everyone knows the last three months of the year - October, November and December - are my favorites. I love Halloween, I love Thanksgiving and I especially love Christmas. And I want to commemorate those holidays at Think About It Central . To that end, I’m announcing the first Think About It Central Halloween Party and the second-annual Think About It Central Christmas Party! Throughout the month of October, I’m going to share with you special reviews, columns and other articles about Halloween, about scary books and movies, and about anything else I can come up with to put you in the spirit. The Halloween Party begins today with a Classic Think About It Column: Be Kind to the Geeks of October. Here’s where you come in, though. October and December are long months. I’ll have plenty of columns, some short fiction by yours truly and a ton of reviews. In fact, I make this pledge to you now -- every Halloween or Christmas-themed comic book I read this year will be reviewed, if not at, then at my own home for comic reviews, The Back Issue Bin. But I want more. So I’m asking you guys for recommendations. (I’d like to ask for donations, but I’m not that smug.) Recommend Halloween or Christmas-themed movies you’d like me to review. Or books. Or toys. Or food. Anything related to these two seasons, to help make the Think About It Halloween and Christmas Parties as much fun as they can be. I am now officially open for suggestions. And I can’t wait to find out what you guys come up with.

tai, christmas party, halloween, halloween party

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