Too much to do today.

Jan 12, 2012 08:17

Today I plan to: 
- Go to the RSPCA to pick up a thingie for my kitten's collar with her name and my phone number on it.
- Go to Monash to argue my case for being allowed the maths pre-requisites I need to be able to do my next physics unit
- Go somewhere with a Myer so that I can buy a better pillow
- Go into town to catch up with a friend who's down from Canberra

I may decide not to do the RSPCA thing today, because it's just too much to do in one day.

ETA: Aside from the catching up with a friend, I managed to get ALL this done, PLUS grcery shopping for tomorrow's dinner, before 12:30pm! WOO! Just a pity I needed the car to do it. I'd love to be that fast on a bike.

Now I can relax for a couple of hours... I might go nap on that new pillow.
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