Last week's recipe. And a few other things.

Apr 03, 2011 19:34

After my last weekly recipe, I realised that I'd skipped a week! So, I did another one today. #12 is a potato bake with butter, cheese and cream. It's also supposed to have onion in it, but after chopping it up nicely and having it ready to go I completely forgot that it existed or was even part of the recipe, so the recipe now no longer involves that particular ingredient. Oops. I'll edit later with an update on how it turns out :-)

I'm having chicken with it and I might open a bottle of white wine that I was given yesterday at my kitchen tea! Which was awesome.
deird1  is brilliant at planning parties, so a great big thanks must go out to her for doing most of the planning and arranging for this one :-) We dressed up nicely and there were games and there was LOTS of food! We're still trying to give it away, and it looks like a fair bit is going to our respective workplaces.

The rest of the wedding is just about planned, I think. This week is the last week of term, and the first week of holidays will involve things like getting the dress hemmed, getting my nails done, getting a makeup trial done, and packing for going away. I'm trying to space everything out so that I'm not rushing around too much, but it'll still be quite busy.

The day itself is now also sorted, and I'm lucky to have Phil's family helping. One of his aunts was kind enough to offer to drive me and my bridesmaids around a bit, so that will mean that getting around for hair, make-up, changing into clothes and all that is a lot less stressful than I was anticipating.

Hooray! =D

ETA: The pasta baked turned out to be really good! :-) Very yummy. Apparently, they're called "Dauphinoise Potatoes". I'm happy with it :-)

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