Holy Christmas Shopping, Batman!

Dec 10, 2004 22:56

Wow! I should go shopping late at night EVERY night that I have errands to run! Add rain to it, and damn, it's great. We headed out to Watertown Mall to the Home Depot, got there at 8:45 (I mean seriously, five minutes from Memorial Drive to Watertown Mall?!?!?) amazing! Did some browsing, found the items we were looking for, got a gift card, and headed out. Watertown to Woburn, about 25 miles, and got to Lowe's 20 minutes before 10PM. Did some browsing, found some things to buy (including this cute little leather toolbelt for kids that we HAD to get for our nephew), picked up a gift card, and left at 10PM.

Traffic was light, the lights seemed to change to green just for me! Stopped at the bank, saw some nice light displays, and got home in a really reasonable time frame. Christmas shopping late at night is good!

On another note, I'm apparently too stupid to bake cupcakes. I burned two batches of them tonight. Maybe I'll try one more time in the morning before I give up as utterly incompetent.

baking, christmas, shopping

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