The Doctor's Wife Thoughts

May 15, 2011 12:06

Apparently, I do have a few thoughts--

Everyone seems to have adored this ep. I enjoyed it quite a lot, but it wasn't my favorite.

The 'eh' things first:

*Neil Gaiman is one of those authors who I think I /should/ like, along with Douglas Adams. He's an excellent writer, and I enjoyed the BBC version of Neverwhere, but stalled out on the book. I can't quite explain it, but somehow, his writing is a bit too /other/ for me.

*The actress playing the TARDIS. She was quite good in some spots. In other spots, she reminded me too much of Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix LeStrange. Not the actress' fault, but it did throw me out of some scenes.

*Can we stop with the dark lighting in scenes now? Judging from next week's ep, the answer is no. But I'd really love to see a decently lit ep again. ::sigh::

The Good:

* "Did you wish /really/ hard?"--Oh, Amy. You hit the nail right on the head.

* Timelords! Not actual Timelords, true. But these mentions throughout this season are making me very happy. :)

*Matt Smith's acting, especially in the 'cube' scene, and the final scene with Idris!TARDIS.

*The TARDIS being the Doctor's 'wife'. When I saw it, I thought--"Of course!" Whatever sexual layers you want to put on it (and the Doctor /is/ a man, so yeah, I could see the attraction to Idris), she is the Doctor's constant companion, and always will be.

*I love the idea that the TARDIS stole the Doctor just as much as he stole her.

*I want to hug all the continuity to Classic Who. Bless Gaiman for that.

That's it for now.

reviews, doctor who, season six

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