S = M +- C +- R - E = 0

Jun 05, 2003 16:12

Balance... Confort... these are some of the concepts that they tried to teach me over this past five years in collegue. Acording to my Ergonomy Teacher that formula of the topic, is the formula that describes confort in a thermical sense, it's present from the day that we are born until the day we die. i really wasn´t paying attention to the class today... my mind was elsewere. Caught in a web of crossed thoughts. A couple of them stronger that the others, dominated the scene.
Today we all realised that tomorrow (with luck and work) will be our last day of classes EVER!!!
Nostalgic feeling came, and i think that tomorrow will be a diferent equal day to all of us...
i miss the people of my class already...
here in Portugal we have a word for it... saudade
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