Deep thoughts from Tai on...Twilight?!

Dec 09, 2008 18:44

You know it really amazes me what age or I guess growing older does to a person; how something you loved when you were younger is now something you can't stand or something you hated as a child is now something you absolutely adore. And I'm not entirely sure it's age that factors or that it is your perception of things that changes, but you find yourself with different opinions on stuff suddenly and you really don't know where it comes from.

I guess this is a bit of a odd intro, huh? Especially with what this post is about and I don't really think I'm all that experienced on the effects of age in the first place. I mean a difference of two years isn't really that  big of a deal, but I just find it really strange how my opinion just changed over the course of the years.

When I first read Twilight I was 13 years old and had read it out of curiosity. I had seen the book before in the bookstore and had thought the cover and back synopsis sounded really cool, so a few months later I convinced my friend to buy it at a book fair and stole and read it before she ever did and well, I adored it. I had been one of those "OMG! this is the best evar!!" Twihards and had soon hooked my friends onto it and yet now two years later at 15 going on 16 I find that somewhere along the way I had slipped into the realm of lulzfan. I mean you can see the beginnings of my descent into it in my Breaking Dawn posts, but it hadn't really hit me until now. And really I had never really expected it. I mean when I first read it I knew there was something terribly addicting about it and I, at the time, had just thought of it is my utter adoration for the series, but now I think I have found what it really is and well I think  cleolinda said it best:

"--you go and get yourself a Twinkie when you have a very specific kind of craving SUGARRRRR!. If you want gourmet pastry, or even a homemade cake, you know where to get that. If you're eating a Twinkie, you clearly know what you want and why you're eating it, and you know that it's not good to eat very many of them, but... you know... sometimes you just want one. And then when you're done you read it all over again."

I mean and I'm kind of contradicting myself in a way now with how I suddenly find some SMeyer prose and fluffiness hard to stomach now, but I really do feel that way and I guess I really have no other way to put it. My  yes, it sucks but i love it  tag has never rang more true huh?

Anyway, I'm really sorry about trying to get so deep about Twilight of all things, but this has just really been bugging me. So, now I leave you with links to Twilulz stuff I have come across.

-Cleolinda's Twilight wiki (This woman is a genius and her Twilight recaps are especially entertaining.)

- Twilight in 15 Minutes, also by  cleolinda  (With even more lulz!)
 - Growing Up Cullen (All entries linked)

-mspaint_lolz Twilight recap ( 1, 2)

omg an actual post, random, linkspam!, yes it sucks but i love it, awesome people, twilight

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