
Jan 10, 2006 10:06

Well...i decided to confront my past...i wrote out things that i know effected me most in my life...i came up with people i loved people who loved me, events i cherish and more that really hurt me. I realized that at the core, my teen aged years where filled with more pain and confusion and betrayle then should be allowed. I was used, i was i was the victum of many diffrent forms of prejudices, i was ignored, i was back stabed and i was loved. I was loved more then some people in thier entire lives...the trick was i didn't realize it at the time. I dont think you can really understand something until after it happened...and i am really thankful that i went through the most memerable moments of my life. For one it helped me to realize i needed to appologize to a friend, for another it allowed me to view some of the things i had been avoiding, becuase in truth i feel guilty. But you wanna know what i am most thankful for? After reviewing things i had gone through and how i dealt with them...i realize that i was a stronger person then i gave myself credit for...which means i am stronger now then i give myself credit for. So i am going to buck up, pick a few things from my past that i feel strongly about and warp them into fiction. Im not afraid any more.
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