Jul 07, 2009 13:59
We were all off work July 3rd-July 6th. we spent a lot of the time in the garden cleaning things up and taking things down or potting the plants that will go with us, We looked at couches, tables, signed papers, discussed what needs to go on Craigs list and what will be included in the garage sale. On the 4th we had lunch at Independence grill (*grin* we heard they had the best burgers in town) spent a quick $60.00 on sparklers and such which we set off with our next door neighbors + kids+ cupcakes.. At dusk we ran thru Jack- in the- Box grabbed the kids some More food (teens) and drove to my office where we met a few friends and watched fireworks from all over the city on leather conference chairs on the balcony, It was really beautiful and fun. When we arrived home All the neighbors where in our cul-del-sac, we chatted and watched all the illegal fireworks, finally meeting all the neighbors we didn't know....just in time to move. One of the best and easiest 4th's in memory. The rest went very fast and now I'm back at work trying to remember work stuff and having a heck of a time.