Mood Themes: Sarah Connor Chronicles [pre-air pilot]

Jul 31, 2007 20:54

- Sarah Connor Chronicles [pre-air pilot] mood theme

Yeah, I liked it. I'll definitely watch this one when it comes out in February. But the moodie? It contains the soon to be reshot school shoot-out scenes, slight nudity and some inaccuracies with the mood icons and the moods they portray since the target fandom was very limited (less than 45 minutes). I'll probably redo this one when the show starts running but for those of you that're enthusiastic about the pilot (I am!), this should do for now ;)

Comment if you take ^^ Credit tahraton_mieli in your info page. Use anywhere you like as long as you credit (GJ, LJ). Further instructions on installing are inside the .zip file...

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sarah connor chronicles, mood themes, mood themes: sarah connor chronicles

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